Gnostic: I want to finish Reacttear on steam, then it comes to gog. Rebuys it and plan to play later, and delete from the steam library soon.
Play Van Helsing on Steam, then it come to gog. Rebuys it and plan to play later, and delete from the steam library soon.
Yesterday I just fire up Titan Quest............ Hey I remember I just finish a Grand Total of 2 games this year, When can I finish my backlog if TQ comes here again?
GabiMoro: May I suggest installing and playing any of the following games (if you have them on Steam):
- XCom UFO Defense
- Medieval 2 Total War
- Civilization 3 or 4 or 5
- Batman Arkham Asylum (or Arkham City)
- Skyrim
- Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines
- Homeworld
- Max Payne
.... let`s see what happens :)
EDIT: I forgot Mass Effect.
Civil don't grab me as much, and they keep pumping DLC after DLC so it is ok.
Won't touch Skyrim before I finish Morrowind & oblivion.
Yep, I am halfway through Bloodlines, then I find there is a prequel, Vampire: The Masquerade: Redemption, so foiled again.
I am spoiled by Sins of a Solar Empire where your capital ships level up and have meaningful abilities. So homeworld does not grab me as much. In fact I am spoiled by the level up mechanics like Warcraft 3, Warlord Battlecry 3, Spellforce and such that I don't enjoy RTS games that does not have level up mechanics
Like Starcraft 2, I feel it is pointless to keep the units alive if it is not better than a newly built units. I can just spam the units for the win.
Maxx payne is installed and waiting for prototype 1 & 2 to be finished.
If I can play Mass Effect 3 without the always online Origin I would have dive in the series. I even have the ME 1 & 2 on disk, but when ME3 lock itself to origin, I feel lucky that I never manage to play ME yet. Maybe I can buy ME3 and get the superior DRM free version through unconventional means, but with such a big backlog, I don't bother yet.