Posted October 14, 2016
Let me quote Rousseau again
Or are you saying that I'm mistaken about the equal part? Again, Rousseau writes:
Rousseau may have been relevant when he published his discourses, but I'm really not sure how relevant he is now. And I may have to read his other discourses as well, just to see if he is self consistent or not.
Another more important difference is that since the children have nothing but what they receive from their father, it is plain that all the rights of property belong to him, or emanate from him; but quite the opposite is the case in the great family, where the general administration is established only to secure individual property, which is antecedent to it.
Unless of course you are saying that the general will is that individual property shouldn't exist, which is a form of government as well. Or are you saying that I'm mistaken about the equal part? Again, Rousseau writes:
In the family, it is clear, for several reasons which lie in its very nature, that the father ought to command. In the first place, the authority ought not to be equally divided between father and mother; the government must be single, and in every division of opinion there must be one preponderant voice to decide. Secondly, however lightly we may regard the disadvantages peculiar to women, yet, as they necessarily occasion intervals of inaction, this is a sufficient reason for excluding them from this supreme authority: for when the balance is perfectly even, a straw is enough to turn the scale. Besides, the husband ought to be able to superintend his wife's conduct, because it is of importance for him to be assured that the children, whom he is obliged to acknowledge and maintain, belong to no one but himself.
So yes, he does say there are two kind of people. Those that can rise to the position of supreme authority, and those that should be excluded from said position. Rousseau may have been relevant when he published his discourses, but I'm really not sure how relevant he is now. And I may have to read his other discourses as well, just to see if he is self consistent or not.