amrit9037: As a Painkiller fan I would definitely like to play it.
It looks good and I hope we will see the full product on GOG (or DRM-free).
I have few suggestions based on gameplay video.
Please include an option to adjust FOV (either in game or by other means) as wrong FOV may cause motion sickness.
That countdown can be pushed left and can be narrow.
Overall game is looking good and if it's as smooth as Painkiller then at present I can give it 9/11.
Thank you!
There is FOV option in-game, not too specific but can be toggled from low to very high.
That countdown is placeholder, may or may not represent the final one.
Painted_Doll: System requirements ?
Things can be changed and not anything final, but basically hardware supports 64 bit and DX11, recommended 8gb of Ram (4 may or may not sufficient), and dedicated GPU (low-end like 5-6 years ago needs to turn down resolution), Cpu with i3 >2.0ghz.