dtgreene: In some CRPGs, you start by creating a party, or sometimes just a single character. In some of those, there is some randomness involved in character creation; in particular, it's not unusual for stats to be determined randomly. The question, of course, is "when do you stop re-rolling"?
For a specific example, let's consider a game that handles stats similar to classic Wizardry:
* On character creation, each character has fixed base stats determined by race (which has already been chosen).
* The character gets a random number of bonus points, which can be distributed to stats as the player chooses. Of course, more bonus points are better.
* There is no way to save the roll and still keep re-rolling; the player must either accept the current roll or discard it and hope for a better roll.
* The maximum bonus point roll is not known to the player.
Now, the question is:
* When should I stop rolling for stats?
One possible strategy is to roll n times, keep track of the highest number of bonus points, then re-roll until that result or better comes up again. For this strategy, what should the value of n be?
Or, can you think of a better approach?
Speed is how fast you can perform things if you have high speed to your attacks you can strike faster and pull off more criticals and usually survive the battle also speed magically translates to parrying faster and traversing the game world faster as well.