dtgreene: Sometimes it's nice to just wander around aimlessly, fight enemies almost mindlessly, watch the numbers slowly creep up, and just relax. Not every gaming session needs to be intense.
viperfdl: I can relate to that. Grinding for XP is like those training scenes in Rocky movies to beat stronger enemies. So far I haven't seen any newer games that does this well.
Also the character systems of new games are far to simple and aim at fast rewards for the player. Which can be fun at times but becomes also boring really fast when it is in every fucking RPG.
Incidentally, if you like this sort of slow progression, you might look into incremental games, also known as idle clickers. Cookie Clicker is the most famous examples, but other good ones include Candy Box 1 and 2, A Dark Room, and Universal Paperclips. All the slow gradual progression you find in such an RPG without the unnecessary things.