Tallima: Terrible Translations I feel bad for saying it because most of you have experienced far worse than I could ever imagine. But when a game heavy in story is translated poorly, I'm out.
Desmight: Oh god... this is huge. I agree.
I'll tell you something tragically funny. The english word "Log" in italian can be translated in two ways:
1) "Ceppo/Tronco" which is the "wood" one.
2) "Registro/Diario" which is the "report/diary" one.
Well, in Fallout 3 you could use a wood log as a chair in a specific quest, but in the italian version it was translated in the other way: it was like "sit on that diary"
I can see that being a problem.
On the other hand, bad translations can be funny. Zero Wing's is an example: "All your base are belong to us." (It's worth noting that Zero Wing is not heavy in story; the only place with text is the skippable intro before the title screen.)
That does remind me of another, one that Zero Wing *does* suffer from:
Losing all power ups on death: You're playing a game (say, a shmup, where this has historically been an issue), getting more powerful as the game progresses, which, in turn, lets you keep pace with the increasing difficulty.
And then, you die.
When you respawn, all your power ups are *gone*. So, here you are, quite far into the game, but with only the power you started the game with. At this point, you have no chance of progress, as you are too weak to fight off the hoards of enemies that you face. Even though the game gives you multiple lives, in practice, you only have one.
Gradius on the NES had this problem as well, though there was one code that could partially mitigate it; after you die, use the Konami Code to instantly get back to full power. Unfortunately, this code can only be used once per game, so if you die again, you can't use the code again. (Also, this is generally considered a cheat code, which some players frown upon.)