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PainOfSalvation: … In Spain … fiber 600/600 [Mbps].
scientiae: How much does that cost?
70€. But i also got included in the package 2 sim postpaid cards with data, landline phone and around 100 tv channels.

PainOfSalvation: My ISP may not the best but not the worst here either.
eiii: The speeds are good, but the 29 ms are terrible for a fiber link.
Speedtest isn't that accurate, never felt any lag problems.
screenshot...(varies somewhere between 150 and 250... have gotten as high a reading as 312 but usually it's around 200 which is what i think my plan calls for though I'm not sure lol).

No limits on downloads (good thing, I've downloaded over 300GB this month already...yeah yeah yeah I know it's only the 10th but I had an issue and had to re-download the games I had installed all over again.

As far as price.. it's part of a package that includes phone (standard unlimited long distance, text messaging, message recorder... yadda yadda yadda) and TV which includes almost all of the premium channels so I'm not sure how to "back out" how much of that is for the ISP. The total is $209.99 per month (plus taxes and fees which makes it about $230.00 per month).
capture1.jpg (88 Kb)
Post edited August 10, 2019 by OldFatGuy
scientiae: There but for the grace of god … My sincere condolences. At least you are still online! Most people in the West have no idea how easily society can fail. I believe the authorities are prepared for people to riot should food be unavailable to buy for longer than about half a day.
Yes, I'm really glad I'm still online. I'm not happy about the fees increases, but since I work as a freelancer and my clients are mostly from the US and Canada, I have to keep paying whatever it costs here to keep me connected.

GameRager: First off: 4 dollars minimum wage a MONTH?!? That sucks so guys have my sympathies(for that and all the rest of the crap you guys are suffering right now).

Second: I'm shocked no one has rioted at those price gouging tactics.
Thanks, man, that sucks indeed. Of course, nobody can live with such salaries, so people here who have no access to better incomes are pretty much limited to three choices: leave the country (that's why there's a refugee crisis), have family abroad who can send them money or, the saddest one, begging and eating from the garbage on the bad days.

As for the prices rising, people complain all the time but it fall on deaf ears. With the repression we get here, you have to think twice about protesting or rioting for something that isn't vital... last month a teenager lost both eyes when a police shot rubber bullets to his face (without provocation) because they were protesting a cooking gas shortage. :(
200/20/FUP (750GB/m during the day, unlimited at night), 54€
- I don't really care that much about the speed - so if/when the cheaper options ever get a more reasonable download limit, I'm downgrading!
- I don't care about TV or landlines, mobile internet (prepay 1GB 10€) is separate, from a different company.
Post edited August 10, 2019 by teceem
dont really understand teh figures, tbh.

Ping ms

Download Mbps

Upload Mbps

i know it's quite quick in real time? pa keeps tellin' me he'll upgrade it an' im like... dude, whats teh point? i dont care enough. i can watch youtube. all is well.
eiii: The fiber link itself does not have any significant latency. The only thing which is causing latency is crappy infrastructure and bad network design on the provider side. When you have a good provider the fiber link is just an ethernet connection, exactly like an UTP cable, only that it can be much longer.
Yeah, that's exactly what I was talking about (I was not sure the provider had set up its service optimally), though I was cheap on words :). You're 100% right though, thanks for putting the nitty-gritty bits in.
Post edited August 10, 2019 by WinterSnowfall
Germany 16 Mbit/s ADSL, unlimited data volume, 30€/month, 1,5 MByte/s download and maybe fiber in future :)
Post edited August 10, 2019 by gabbawokky
high rated
I do not have this so called internet. My forum posts I send by registered mail to Gog to Warsaw - they are so friendly and then transfer them with modern computer technology to the forum. I sent this very entry 2 days ago (because its summer; during winter it lasts way longer!). If someone answers to my post, gog sent a telegram to my near post office in my district where i live. Mostly i grab it after my working hours and read it during dinner.

I buy my games directly at Gog in Warsaw. Twice a year games get really cheap (Gog call this "sales" - you have to be very quick, because otherwise the shelves are quickly bought empty). So i drive by bus to poland.
In their main building there is a shop - you pay and get a purple USB stick with the game you have purchased including receipt. They always tell me that the game is now digital avaiable in my library - but I do not understand what they mean by that. Maybe someday. If you're friendly with the seller you even get an update for a game which you already own and also occasionally a soundtrack on tape or some artbook (which they kindly print out for me).

I am not sure how much longer I can do these trips - you get older and the way to Warsaw is difficult (especially in winter).
Maybe in the future I try this internet-thingy...time will tell. Its never too late, i guess.
Paraharaha: get older and the way to Warsaw is difficult (especially in winter).
Stop your complaining! Think of your fellow American GOG gamers (for example)... they have to cross the Atlantic in their canoe.
950 up / 950 down, no cap. About $85 a month.
Cadaver747: I'm sorry for being silly, it helps to cope with world craziness. It's one of my constitutional rights after all. Prices are very good of course, I dropped my ISP [corrected] two times and they decided to make me a good offer all of a sudden.
Be silly all you want....I was just making sure it was you being silly, is all.

Also, would you say they "made you an offer you couldn't refuse"? ;)

GameRager: ...snip
ariaspi: Indeed walls of text are off-putting for many people. If it's difficult for you to separately quote the paragraphs you reply to, at least put the numbers to your delimiting lines too (1. ======), not only to the replies. Just some advice, not picking on you.
I usually don't separate post parts to save time, and I would put numbers in people's posts as well but one or two complained about "bulletpoints"(i.e. numbering) in the replies so I limited it to my own reply bits to be nice to them.

Thanks for the advice btw....I am trying to cut back a bit on typing too much and repeating the same things in multiple post parts.

timppu: Somehow Humble Bundle has managed in that, even though they let you use a generic bittorrent client to download your game installers. I am not 100% sure if it is somehow possible to "tap in" and download any HB game if you just know the torrent link, but I presume the tracker or whatever it is makes sure that the download is initiated only from a HB account, logged in.

Also, GOG wouldn't necessarily need to use generic p2p clients or protocols either, they could just as well make their own. I recall that at least previously had something like that in the client, you could enable p2p so that content would also come from other users, and you would share your downloaded stuff as well.

I generally like the idea that download bandwidth can be shared like that, as long as it is optional. I can understand people with e.g. metered connections wouldn't want to be obliged to upload stuff to other users while they download.
1st bit above: Ah, a private/passworded tracker. I though you meant using a public/unlocked tracker...which would lead to abuse most likely.

2nd bit above: If they did then most likely MANY here would find it to be DRM(needing gog's program to download games) or against GOG tenets and complain about boycotts/leaving so it likely wouldn't happen.

3rd bit above: True enough and good points.

scientiae: How much does that cost?
PainOfSalvation: 70€. But i also got included in the package 2 sim postpaid cards with data, landline phone and around 100 tv channels.
So how many of those channels are repeats of others or actually have stuff worth watching? My cable has like hundreds of channels but many repeat other channel's content, are sports and music/etc, or aren't that interesting.

krugos2: Thanks, man, that sucks indeed. Of course, nobody can live with such salaries, so people here who have no access to better incomes are pretty much limited to three choices: leave the country (that's why there's a refugee crisis), have family abroad who can send them money or, the saddest one, begging and eating from the garbage on the bad days.

As for the prices rising, people complain all the time but it fall on deaf ears. With the repression we get here, you have to think twice about protesting or rioting for something that isn't vital... last month a teenager lost both eyes when a police shot rubber bullets to his face (without provocation) because they were protesting a cooking gas shortage. :(
If I had to deal with that sort of sh*t i'd go full on 1776 on the gov'ts arses.
Post edited August 11, 2019 by GameRager
Paraharaha: I buy my games directly at Gog in Warsaw. Twice a year games get really cheap (Gog call this "sales" - you have to be very quick, because otherwise the shelves are quickly bought empty). So i drive by bus to poland.
In their main building there is a shop - you pay and get a purple USB stick with the game you have purchased including receipt.
+1....I also think selling games(physical copies) on USB would be better for companies than making optical disks.

Paraharaha: get older and the way to Warsaw is difficult (especially in winter).
teceem: Stop your complaining! Think of your fellow American GOG gamers (for example)... they have to cross the Atlantic in their canoe.
Bah.....just do what MOST americans do and rent a carnival/etc cruise ship and sail in style...well as "in style" as one can surrounded by overweight and snobby tourists, that is.
Post edited August 11, 2019 by GameRager
GameRager: If I had to deal with that sort of sh*t i'd go full on 1776 on the gov'ts arses.
There's been no lack of trying, in the last few years many innocents have lost their life fighting against impossible odds. :(
GameRager: If I had to deal with that sort of sh*t i'd go full on 1776 on the gov'ts arses.
krugos2: There's been no lack of trying, in the last few years many innocents have lost their life fighting against impossible odds. :(
Not to get too much more political, but you guys need to make sure you don't end up su**ing up to the US gov't too much after you guys get your freedom(if it comes).
PainOfSalvation: 70€. But i also got included in the package 2 sim postpaid cards with data, landline phone and around 100 tv channels.
GameRager: So how many of those channels are repeats of others or actually have stuff worth watching? My cable has like hundreds of channels but many repeat other channel's content, are sports and music/etc, or aren't that interesting.
No clue tbh. I barely watch tv and also Spanish is not my native language. I know there are repeats of the same channels in SD and HD. For me it's far more important stable and fast internet.