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500 Mbit down / 50Mbit up, fiber, no data caps, 20 euro - speed is real, not just on paper. Small village in te south-eastern Poland - shocking what progress we made in last ten years (10 years ago I had 2 Mbit down on copper...)
Post edited August 08, 2019 by gmx
My ADSL is

Download=5.6 Mbps Upload=779 kbps unlimited Download unlimited upload

My Ping = 20 ms

Total ass

at $69 a month it's still is a RIP-OFF

takes a whole week to Download 1 game

:::.. Internet Speed Test Result Details ..:::
Download Connection Speed:: 5563.08 kbps or 5.6 Mbps
Download Speed Test Size:: 7.1 MB or 7259 kB or 7433564.16 bytes
Download Binary File Transfer Speed:: 695 kB/s
Upload Connection Speed:: 783 kbps or 0.8 Mbps
Upload Speed Test Size:: 1 MB or 1024 kB or 1048576 bytes
Upload Binary File Transfer Speed:: 98 kB/s
Timed:: Download: 10.69 seconds | Upload: 10.716 seconds
Tested At::
Test Time:: 2019-08-08 19:51:18 Local Time
Client Location:: Campsie, NSW AU
Target:: Sydney, AU
TiP Measurement Summary (Download):: Min 5.46 Mbps | Middle Avg 5.56 Mbps | Max 5.64 Mbps | 3% Variance
Client Stats::
User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/75.0.3770.142 Safari/537.36 OPR/62.0.3331.117 [!]
gmx: 500 Mbit down / 50Mbit up, fiber, no data caps, 20 euro - speed is real, not just on paper. Small village in te south-eastern Poland - shocking what progress we made in last ten years (10 years ago I had 2 Mbit down on copper...)
Lucky SOB!
Post edited August 08, 2019 by fr33kSh0w2012
gmx: 500 Mbit down / 50Mbit up, fiber, no data caps, 20 euro - speed is real, not just on paper.
It's funny that companies sell their connections with assymetric speed even on fiber, when there's absolutely no technical reason for it.
In Serbia cable 75/5. In Spain (where i now live) fiber 600/600.
PainOfSalvation: In Serbia cable 75/5. In Spain (where i now live) fiber 600/600.
600/600? what units?
Post edited September 02, 2019 by Ashleee
4 Mbps adsl :c

Well, at least I have unlimited amount of traffic (as for now)
Gekko_Dekko: 4 Mbps adsl :c

Well, at least I have unlimited amount of traffic (as for now)
You know how I feel, That is one of the reasons I'm pissed off all the time because I go to post something and it WON'T post and that Pisses me off.

Also the post was probably so elegant and then my internet screws up.
PainOfSalvation: In Serbia cable 75/5. In Spain (where i now live) fiber 600/600.
troffl: 600/600? what units? Can you try this And show the result please is better then ookla's fake speed test
Post edited August 08, 2019 by fr33kSh0w2012
scientiae: Recent events* have triggered my curiosity, so I would indulge any readers to post their internet connectivity. If you so desire, you may also wish to elucidate with costs.**
1Gb/s FTH link (in marketing terms), for about €8, with no caps on traffic. The actual speeds I usually get are around 400Mb/s (50MB/s).

Coming off of an 100Mb/s UTP link, I was worried that the fiber link may bring higher latency (in congested networks it may do just that), but I haven't seen much change fortunately.

FTH links are pretty standard in my parts, so I don't mean to brag, it's purely factual. Depending on your provider, you can also get cable TV and a phone landline on the same fiber link.
Post edited August 08, 2019 by WinterSnowfall
troffl: 600/600? what units? Can you try this And show the result please
Units are Mbps. My ISP may not the best but not the worst here either. I agree that speedtest may not show reliable results. That site collects too much private info i'm not willing to share with their third parties. Sorry.
troffl: 600/600? what units? Can you try this And show the result please
PainOfSalvation: Units are Mbps. My ISP may not the best but not the worst here either. I agree that speedtest may not show reliable results. That site collects too much private info i'm not willing to share with their third parties. Sorry.
what private info?
timppu: I normally use the cable modem over wifi on my home gaming laptop, but if I am going to play an online game (Team Fortress 2), I tend to switch off the wifi connection and use my mobile internet on the PC (the phone connected to PC over USB). Oddly, the mobile connection seems to offer a bit lower latency and more reliable connection for online games (maybe this is because the cable modem wifi router is in another room than the PC, maybe 7 meters away with a couple of walls in between).
Why not get a powerline adaptor?
My modem/router + own router is in the kitchen closet/room, desktop PC in the living room - and can't put a cable between both rooms. In my experience it's a more stable and faster connection than WIFI. (Can't tell you anything about latency though - I don't play online multiplayer.)
fr33kSh0w2012: what private info?
If you visit the site, you can see it for yourself. Regarding internet, i care more about the stability of internet than the actual speed. Even 100 Mbps does the job for me, everything above that is a nice bonus.
low rated
scientiae: I think I technically have a baud of 11Mbps, but I've never seen the needle over 1.4MBps, and that was only once; mostly it tops out at 1.3MBps. I could also upgrade unlimited data (with the phone line) for $60, or to 42Mbps ($70). I think Telstra (the national Telecom) has a similar package to mine @ $80 per month.
GameRager: … A bit of advice … using plain [E]nglish one doesn't have to look up helps a bit.
scientiae: Sapere aude!
I looked that up(see? I can look stuff up, lol)...a bit of reply to it: People should think for themselves but it makes one seem/look more relateable and more of an everyman/woman and one of the "common folk" if one talks in basic English/speak more than using fancy big college type words one has to look up.

When one replies on such sites, they usually are strapped for time or like to reply quickly without having to get out encyclopedias/wikipedia/dictionaries/etc when a word or phrase confuses them. Also sometimes such complex talk sometimes makes some(not me, but some) feel like those using such are talking down to them a bit.

Just some words for thought, as it were, and to all: This is not me saying people should never use such words/phrases/etc...just that it's nice when it's easier to understand others off the bat and be able to reply quickly to them.

timppu: I think I could be totally fine using only the mobile internet on my PC, but since the cable modem is there for no extra cost, I use it too. The only advantage of the fixed line cable modem internet over the mobile one seems to be that I can do port forwarding on the cable modem router, meaning that e.g. peer-to-peer software might work better with it (like the old eMule client, possibly also bittorrent), but I use those p2p software like never nowadays, no need...
With companies and countries censoring more and more those p2p programs and their installers might become worth their weight in gold(or silver/etc) get the jist.

fr33kSh0w2012: My ADSL is

Download=5.6 Mbps Upload=779 kbps unlimited Download unlimited upload

My Ping = 20 ms

Total ass

at $69 a month it's still is a RIP-OFF

takes a whole week to Download 1 game

gmx: 500 Mbit down / 50Mbit up, fiber, no data caps, 20 euro - speed is real, not just on paper. Small village in te south-eastern Poland - shocking what progress we made in last ten years (10 years ago I had 2 Mbit down on copper...)
fr33kSh0w2012: Lucky SOB!
1. What if it's a small 10-20 MB game? ;)

Not trying to be a d**k by saying that, btw, or make light of your situation....just saying that the SIZE of the game matters when saying it takes a week to DL one game(without knowing what the size is you are talking about). ;)

2. Yeah he and others are very lucky....but that's what happens when you luck out in the fiber optic internet lotto.....when you have only copper wiring delivering your internet you have to suffer like me/others. :\

gmx: 500 Mbit down / 50Mbit up, fiber, no data caps, 20 euro - speed is real, not just on paper.
eiii: It's funny that companies sell their connections with assymetric speed even on fiber, when there's absolutely no technical reason for it.
It's likely to get people to upgrade that UL speed for more money, i'm guessing.

Gekko_Dekko: 4 Mbps adsl :c

Well, at least I have unlimited amount of traffic (as for now)
fr33kSh0w2012: You know how I feel, That is one of the reasons I'm pissed off all the time because I go to post something and it WON'T post and that Pisses me off.

Also the post was probably so elegant and then my internet screws up.
Always ctrl-c or copy the post to clipboard before pushing the post button....that way you can restore it if the post doesn't go through.
Post edited August 09, 2019 by GameRager
low rated
scientiae: I think I technically have a baud of 11Mbps, but I've never seen the needle over 1.4MBps, and that was only once; mostly it tops out at 1.3MBps. I could also upgrade unlimited data (with the phone line) for $60, or to 42Mbps ($70). I think Telstra (the national Telecom) has a similar package to mine @ $80 per month.

Sapere aude!
GameRager: I looked that up(see? I can look stuff up, lol)...a bit of reply to it: People should think for themselves but it makes one seem/look more relateable and more of an everyman/woman and one of the "common folk" if one talks in basic English/speak more than using fancy big college type words one has to look up.

When one replies on such sites, they usually are strapped for time or like to reply quickly without having to get out encyclopedias/wikipedia/dictionaries/etc when a word or phrase confuses them. Also sometimes such complex talk sometimes makes some(not me, but some) feel like those using such are talking down to them a bit.

Just some words for thought, as it were, and to all: This is not me saying people should never use such words/phrases/etc...just that it's nice when it's easier to understand others off the bat and be able to reply quickly to them.

timppu: I think I could be totally fine using only the mobile internet on my PC, but since the cable modem is there for no extra cost, I use it too. The only advantage of the fixed line cable modem internet over the mobile one seems to be that I can do port forwarding on the cable modem router, meaning that e.g. peer-to-peer software might work better with it (like the old eMule client, possibly also bittorrent), but I use those p2p software like never nowadays, no need...
GameRager: With companies and countries censoring more and more those p2p programs and their installers might become worth their weight in gold(or silver/etc) get the jist.

fr33kSh0w2012: My ADSL is

Download=5.6 Mbps Upload=779 kbps unlimited Download unlimited upload

My Ping = 20 ms

Total ass

at $69 a month it's still is a RIP-OFF

takes a whole week to Download 1 game

Lucky SOB!
GameRager: 1. What if it's a small 10-20 MB game? ;)

Not trying to be a d**k by saying that, btw, or make light of your situation....just saying that the SIZE of the game matters when saying it takes a week to DL one game(without knowing what the size is you are talking about). ;)

2. Yeah he and others are very lucky....but that's what happens when you luck out in the fiber optic internet lotto.....when you have only copper wiring delivering your internet you have to suffer like me/others. :\

eiii: It's funny that companies sell their connections with asymmetric speed even on fibre, when there's absolutely no technical reason for it.
GameRager: It's likely to get people to upgrade that UL speed for more money, i'm guessing.

fr33kSh0w2012: You know how I feel, That is one of the reasons I'm pissed off all the time because I go to post something and it WON'T post and that Pisses me off.

Also the post was probably so elegant and then my internet screws up.
GameRager: Always ctrl-c or copy the post to clipboard before pushing the post button....that way you can restore it if the post doesn't go through.
10 to 20 MB can take 2 hours.

My actual Download speed is 0.5 Mbps
Post edited August 09, 2019 by fr33kSh0w2012
fr33kSh0w2012: 10 to 20 MB can take 2 hours.

My actual Download speed is 0.5 Mbps
That sucks(it reminds me of my old usenet speeds, though...years back).

At least it isn't a whole week, if that's any consolation. :)