Deadmarye: Hello all,
I usually choose to play only if I can do so as a female. Now, don't get rilled up, it has nothing to do with anything except my preferences :)
So, if I can play as a female AND get gear that modify the appereance, I'm in.
Doesn't mean I don't play games where you can only play a male character though. But usually, if it's a mute male PC in a RPG, open world or anything, I tend to pass (and yes, I'm still bothered to not be able to play as Linkle in BOTW).
Being able to play as a female character (or a non-binary one) is important for me as well.
(An example of a game with a non-binary protagonist is Undertale; the main character's appearance doesnt make it obvious whether they're a boy or a girl, any mane associated with the character (other than the one the player assigns at the start of the game) doesn't have any obvious gender, and the few instances pronouns are used to refer to the main character, singular they is used.)
(Would you play a game where the only option is for your character to be non-binary?)