Lord_Kane: not surprised, I pinged them once on twitter for some info, was ignored, this is why i avoided buying SC: Origins period.
Mawthra: So I just got a response from one of the Community Managers named Shism Navigator and here's what he said:
"GOG has a manual update process. We sent them the update on the same day as Steam. It's not in our hands when they update."
fortune_p_dawg: was going to start playing that soon. will keep my eye on this topic.
thanks for the heads up.
Mawthra: Just got another response... they said the udpates should be out tomorrow... the Community Manager was telling me that they send to GOG and then we wait... tired to tell him about the DevPortal (
http://devportal.gog.com) where devs can push updates direct without any GOG staff involvement, but it sounded like they weren't aware that's a thing
Edited to add a screenshot of the response... so sad GOG doesn't do more with the developers to let them know all their options for updating their games
Let's be honest, considering recent and past events, we all know that GOG has some serious communication issues.