TARFU: On chickens and farming in general:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5RrGFBbbSY Ahahaha! That's pretty much how I feel every day in the Summer and Fall. 2 dollars for a pack of lettuce seeds containing 1,500 seeds. Throw some on a piece of dirt. Water occasionally. Lettuce, lettuce everywhere! Rinse and repeat with like every vegetable. They grow in pots, in boxes, in the ground, in gutters, anywhere you have or can shove a bit of dirt. It's just, food. Right there. For months. Half the time you can save the seed with a little effort, and then you don't even need to buy new seed each year! Freeze, can, or just plain store in a hole for winter. Or don't and enjoy FOOD, right there, two steps out your door, for as long as you have sun. Hell, drape a cloth over them when it gets cold and you can have food
even when it's snowing. Not all of them make it, but hey, it's food at your house that you don't have to pay for! It drives me nuts when I see streets with nothing but lawns growing. They don't even use the grass for anything! Throw some chickens, turkeys, a
, rabbits, [url=http://www.worldette.com/ignite-your-travel-life/travel/2012/cuy-south-americas-guinea-pigs/]guinea pigs, something on it! /rant