Spectre: I'm more annoyed that monitors took a step back when moving to flatscreens by making them have a lower default framerate of 60 instead of the usual 75 or 85 and by turning them all into widescreen.
No kidding.
Mine's still a Philips 190S7FS, 1280x1024, 19", 75 Hz refresh rate, over 9 years old. No intention of replacing unless it'll break and sure hope it won't.
If it will be a matter of replacing though, and money won't be an issue (hah, good luck with that), then the first order of business would be a 2560 width, to be able to snap two 1280-px-wide windows side by side and have things still look pretty much as I'm used to them looking while browsing or reading or writing, and also to be able to run more demanding games in an 1280 resolution without any risk of oddities. Ideally, it'd be 2560x2048 to keep the aspect ratio too, and probably 30" at that size to pretty much keep pixel size as well. But I guess if I'll have to go widescreen, though I'd much rather not and find that quite a bother when using the computer for anything other than watching movies or full screen videos or playing modern games, it could be 2560x1600 or 2560x1440 as a minimum, and 27". The more I can get in height in a standard resolution, the better it seems.
Of course, I do want it to be able to stay at 75 Hz or better, not just this newer standard of 60, though the computer will also need to be able to handle that at that resolution. Response time of 5 ms or less, and should have a very low power use and be extremely reliable. And it absolutely must not be black or a dark color. (At least not on the side I'm seeing, as this is also unfortunately black on the back. This goes for stuff like keyboards or cases or speakers too, making it darn hard to find anything suitable, as the vast majority are black.) White, silver, plain light grey, neutral or pale blue, maybe some shades of green, looking like wood or some plain lighter browns, even that "classic" dirty white / light beige or whatever it was, but keep black or red or dark or, quite the contrary, "flashy" colors away, thanks.