dtgreene: Seems people think that wider is better, so how about, instead of a 21:9 ratio...
...we make a monitor that has a 21:0 ratio? That is, for every 0 inches of height, it has 21 inches of width.
Perhaps someone could get me a 42 inch 21:0 monitor?
(Exercise for the reader: if 42 inch is the diagonal measurement, what are the height and width of that monitor?)
It would be great seeing the confusion if they suddenly started advertising 21:9 as 7:3 and 16:10 as 8:5. As a mathematically inclined person, it annoys me that the manufacturers somewhere along the line decided to no longer bother with reducing fractions.
That said, I'm quite happy with my second-hand 27" 2560x1440 Dell screen, though I would prefer if it was 1600 pixels vertical and the monitor's physical height was the same as the portrait-mode 20" 1200x1600 I have beside it.
Wait, actually, the most annoying things aren't necessarily faults of the monitor itself, but the fact that Linux games continue to have trouble with multi-screen setups and nearly always fit themselves to the
left-most monitor (the monitor with pixel 0x0) rather than the
primary one (which is to the right in my case, and which sits at 1200x0)*... and also that Arch Linux doesn't seem to like my Dell monitor particularly well in a solo setup (if I disable, or physically disconnect, the 20" portrait one, the 27" one starts to flicker like a madman unless I lower the resolution to 1280x720 or so - I think both monitors wants 60Hz, and for some reason it works with both of them used, but Linux decides to give the 27" 59Hz if it's alone, or the other way around, I don't know).
*Yes, you are definitely correct, I absolutely wanted to run Saint's Row: Gat out of Hell in full-screen on the portrait-mode screen. Curious that you should believe that and yet not reflow the UI so that it actually works.
Anyway... ideal monitor... I'd like a 27" 120/144 Hz (and/or Freesync, if Mesa gets that to work nicely, I currently don't know the status of that) one capable of UHD/4K (or higher, sure, clearer text is always awesome) with inputs up the wazoo - VGA, HDMI, DisplayPort, component, composite, DVI, ancient Macintosh connectors, CGA, anything you can throw at it (actually, I currently have all those except the two last ones).