kohlrak: There are 5 cookies, jill takes 2, how man cookies are there?
teceem: It depends on what "are" means. Are available to take? Are together in the same spot? ...
"are" is never just "are", because we all know that there are more than 5 cookies in existence.
I was wondering if anyone would catch that, tbh. I was kinda sad thinking that no one would. Thank you for improving my day. But no, you did not destroy it, you merely added to it. The fundamental problem with the basic math question is that it's an impractical problem while pretending to be entirely practical. It speaks to the axiomatic way of things and the inability of the writer to actually demonstrate a practical use for the lesson at hand. Thus math becomes this abstract, archaic thing that we simply learn for no apparent reason, 'cause the Holy Lo--er--Goverment told the teacher to tell us, and we just don't question these things. Thus, like all religious rules, we thus cannot apply new rulesets, hence the problem with 1/3 programming students failing out of programming classes, or some other abstract math system (convert degrees to radians and your students loose their minds). Everything is cold, hard, set in stone, and symbols can't take different meanings.
Canuck_Cat: I'm not sure where you got the idea of cooking and gender roles from. [/url]
teceem: Is it not true that, historically (in 'western culture' at least),
cooking/cleaning/children was usually a women's role? Fast forward to now.... men in this topic: does the cooking ability add an extra attraction to a potential partner? (cooking ability... it almost sounds like an RPG :-D ).
A man should know how to cook, but keep in mind that gender roles have all gone to hell now that both people in a household have to work. Notice you can't be a stay at home father, so it wasn't really about erasing genders from roles, but about making money: the higher the supply of laborers means a more affordable price, which just means more people stay in poverty.
But, as far as cooking goes, both men and women should have known how to do it for years. Women didn't exactly go to the front lines to cook for their husbands at Thermopylae. For dating, women seem to be primarily attracted to men who don't need them, while simultaneously wanting their men to suddenly need them so they feel secure.
But, hey, the dynamics of dating is a wholly other topic to be had. We're trying to change thousands of years of human evolution in less than 100, because we're smarter now, see?