Elmofongo: I am pretty sure everyone can agree with this sentiment about the game:
What I want is a spirtual successor to the Wing Commander games and Star Wars X-Wing games. You know a campaign mission based Space Combat game.
I did NOT ask for EVE Online 2 or Second Life 2: IN SPACE!!!
Honestly trying to cram so much in this game is not gonna be fun because trying to be "the everything game in SPACE" only dilutes the fun. I mean what I am gonna be doing in the actual Star Citizen game that won't be a boring grindy slog of everyday work?
Only the hardcore Sci Fi nerds with no life will want to play this game.
For me personally its the most redeeming about all the panic made surrounding it. A deep complex SciFi simulation / "alternate live" instead of a simple 'pit sim. I look forward to see how it all fall together.
I'm more annoyed for the lack of decent sized ships (frig, cruisers etc. the real deal) and the few that are going in that direction have some abysmal real money price tag added to it.
'pit sims? pff... give me a Galaxy class/Star Destroyer/Galactica :D