mechmouse: In both Iraq and Afghanistan there has been decades of war and oppression, it is not surprising to consider this is not going to change any time soon. These people still face an uncertain future with a genocidal enemy which appears resilient to traditional warfare.
If you are talking about ISIS, they are not in Afghanistan, and only in parts of Iraq. What enemy or oppressor are people from e.g. Afghanistan currently escaping from? Taliban doesn't control the country anymore.
Like I said, just having unrest in some parts of a country does not automatically make all the people in the area refugees (and none, if they can escape their persecutors by relocating inside the country). If it did, then I guess all Belgians and Frenchmen are now officially refugees, as there is now some unrest in their country, some militant muslims bombing civilians. Especially the jewish people living in those countries are in peril.
mechmouse: It is also ridiculous to assume the first country which borders has to take all refugees. Turkey has a finite number of resources.
There are more humane ways than wasting resources on those fortunate and more able ones who travel thousands of kilometers to northern Europe. Then we are not helping those who need the help the most, but those who demand the help the most (and have resources to do that, ie. are probably less needy to begin with).
And it still doesn't change the fact that people are not fleeing Turkey towards Europe due to oppression. The people at the Makedonian border complain that their kids can't to school, their old fathers need costly medical help that they can't get it Iraq or Afghanistan or Turkey, or that the bathrooms in the camp are filthy; nasty things certainly, but still no basis for a refugee status.
Like I've said before, I don't think those people are evil or bad for seeking better future for themselves or their families. I would probably do the same if I was in their shoes. But I still don't want to see the term "refugee" being used about everyone seeking a better future. There are buttloads of people all over the world who want to relocate to some other country for a better future, take for example many Mexicans who have to live in the crossfire of Mexican drug wars.