Posted November 23, 2021

That's me anyway, and clearly not everyone feels that way. Fair enough, each to their own.
Anyone who is an avid reader though, knows that you get more for your buck with a book, and first reads and first watches are where you get the biggest thrill.
Film productions by their very nature, cull a lot, which might be good in some cases, certainly for some people who get bored easily or have a low attention span, and just want to get on with the basic story, and then move onto something else. Some like myself like to get a bit deeper into a story and dwell on it for awhile. And some story elements are hard for me to buy (accept) if not fleshed out properly ... made easier if you've read the book and so have some insight.
It's always interesting to hear alternate views, so thanks for replying folks, and no doubt how you feel is valid for you.