It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
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low rated
dtgreene: The problem comes when you lose to a sore winner, and it's that sort of thing that turns me off to competition.
Now, if you lose to an opponent who is a good sport, or lose in a single player game, then the problem isn't so bad, provided you're not one who gets irrationally angry whenever you lose. (If you're that type of person, you probably don't want to play what could be called "troll games", or games that hit the player with traps that will cause an unsuspecting player to suddenly lose.)
Losing to someone who is a good sport and has the mindset of a teacher could definitely be a good learning experience. Losing to a sore winner, however, is not.
That can be offputting, which is why you have to keep your calm in those situations and try your best to move beyond such or explain how you feel to such people if you want to try and dissuade their bad behavior.
Good points here.
Imo both can be a learning experience. You can still learn from the opponents moves/playstyle how to better your own playstyle or beat them/the game itself. You can also help them learn to not be such sore winners.
low rated
Emob78: Pretty much everything past 2000 with a few exceptions like USB, solid state drives, and flat screen monitors. Pretty much everything else has been 'monkeys with guns' tech used to distract mindless hordes of unwashed masses who can't change a flat tire, let alone actually program one of the hundreds of apps they have on their smart phone.

I used to think that technology would help save us. Now it's kind of the opposite.

They have a saying in comedy. They say your job is to always be entertaining the dumbest person in the room. I think you could make the same statement now for tech. In the 90s we were talking about an open source, free internet that would help people gain true knowledge and level the playing field against those in power. Now we're shadow banning people on Twitter because they said they didn't like Kim Kardassian's new hair-do. None of this crap makes any sense to me any more. And as an early adopter of tech back in the day, it is truly sad to watch unfold.
I agree on flat screens(less space wasted/lower energy usage/etc), but many solid state drives have issues of their own(limited writes, the tendency to not hold data for long[relatively speaking] while unpowered). And USB is a good standard barring newer future connector standard changes(like micro usb).

And yeah, sadly people are becoming dumber with high tech(it requires brighter minds to even fathom the basics behind some of it[design/programming/etc]) & also search engines make people dumber as well(why learn something and be able to use that knowledge whenever you want as opposed to googling something or looking on youtube?). :\

GameRager: Plastic waste in general, is a BIG problem(talking about 1 use containers for drinks/food/tech/etc). Most of it either ends up being burned( countries are hesitant due to their economy/trash backlog) near where it is "recycled" or it ends up in the oceans/landfills(and then in our bodies eventually).
MaceyNeil: It can be turned back into fuel using pyrolosis. I mean while we're still burning coal why the F*&^ not. Plastic isn't an issue an underwhelming recycling focus is.
Then why don't they do it? 0.o

Because it's often cheaper/easier to just landfill it/ship it far away then use it to make fuel or recycle it. Also, some areas have strict laws on burning(even to make fuel) waste materials or other such nonsense laws.
The endless dumbing down of apps, for one. For example, Google Play's updates are never to improve the thing, but you can reliably expect them to make your experience worse than it already is. Add to the fact that you don't have much options or things that you can do and you are always assumed to be the most idiotic person on Earth rather than potentially someone who understands what they are doing.

Another thing about Android apps is Material Theme. Not Material Design, but Material Theme; in brief, lots of padding, lots of whiteness. It feels very sterile, but that's what the Google overlords think everything should be.

Oh yes, who could forget the lack of headphone jacks in phones. As timppu opened this thread with, batteries are unreliable, and by extension, bluetooth headphones. I trust anything wired over the same thing wireless, but phone makers have been axing the jack and pushing us to go into dongle hell.

Now, it's late into the night for me. I'll probably be able to remember trends and things that I hate but don't have anything to do with smartphones...oh wait, I think I got one: streaming movies and TV shows as "the future." The internet is a thing that remains too expensive and imperfect when compared to cable or satellite TV, yet the likes of the MPAA expect to bank the future of entertainment on Netflix. Which by the way, even if I get past the connection issues and the inevitable slowdown of my network when using their service, would simply not work on my rooted phones.
moobot83: so if anyone uses a phone for gaming here you are part of the problem, just use ya phone for normal means like scoial media and friends, its sad to see young people just glued to there iphones all the time
Nope. Not all mobile games are infested with microtransactions and ads and all of that crap. In fact, there's great mobile games if you can look past the Candy Clash of EA clones (and occasionally, be willing to spare a few dollars).

In fact, I can use my phone to emulate old games anywhere I go. I even have a controller, which makes the emulation even more desirable and nice.

Phones are just tools. There's different ways to use that tool, however my issue with the common way of using it has to do with how hard it is to find apps without ads and microtransactions, but it's very rewarding when you find a useful app at the end of the day.
Post edited April 04, 2019 by PookaMustard
One invention that I hate is the chip that's installed in the human body to handle payments, travel, ID and so on. No way any government will abuse that in the future. Worst part is, sheeple will defend the chip in the future with "well, if you got nothing to hide...".
Things in tech I hate:
1.Wireless keyboards and mice. Its getting harder to find a decent mouse that isn't wireless or some fancy super-expensive gaming thing.

2.Putting connectivity into things that shouldn't have connectivity and smarts, especially for devices where security is important. There is no reason a door lock needs to have any kind of internet connectivity or bluetooth/wireless crap. Digital door locks that use fobs/cards or that use keypads/codes are fine, digital door locks that use Bluetooth or Apps no. Things like lightbuilbs or ovens or fridges don't need smarts like that at all, they should just do what they are designed to do (produce light, make things hot or make things cold as appropriate). I dont like smarts in things like TVs either (it just makes TVs more expensive so it can support "apps" for services that I dont subscribe to and dont need or for things I already do on my PC).

3.Computing products that take control away from the user. Like the new versions of windows that dont let you control when updates are installed (even if you happen to be doing something important and dont want to reboot right now you cant say no to the update). Or smartphones (even Android) that take away your ability to run what you want on the device (I currently use a Nokia N900 Linux phone where I can run whatever I want to, even a new kernel if I want to do that.)

4.Websites and the like that try to force me to give them my mobile phone details (either as a form of authentication via those stupid SMS codes or as a "recovery option").

5.Facebook and the continual push to get an account (so many individuals and companies and stuff put important/useful information ONLY on Facebook and unless you get an account and give all your personal information to the Zuckerberg empire you can't even read the information easily half the time)

6.Companies and entities that use the legal system (and things like DRM) to try and stop people from carrying out unauthorized repairs on the companies devices/products (everything form combine harvesters to clocks can be affected by this) or from making/using/buying/selling "unauthorized" parts (including parts made by 3rd parties to be compatible with the devices/products in question but that don't claim to be genuine parts)

7.Companies and entities that use the legal system to try and stop people from carrying out security research (for example the time the credit card companies used legal threats and other things to stop Mythbusters doing some stuff related to RFID or the various times people presenting at hacker conferences were taken to court to stop them from exposing security flaws in things like Volkswagen cars or Boston public transport smart cards or the various times people found holes in web pages and got sued for it)

8.All the spying on people by corporations, governments and others. (go read the excellent book "Data & Goliath" if you want to know why). This includes anything done by anyone that has the effect (intentional or otherwise) of making things less secure than they would be (such as the FBI demanding back doors in otherwise secure devices or governments and corporations that hoard vulnerabilities so they can be used for spying rather than sharing those vulnerabilities with the manufacturer so they can be more secure)

9.Removing features from devices (in some cases features disappearing from the market completly) because companies have chosen to put design ahead of functionality (its nearly impossible to get a mobile phone with a physical keyboard in 2019, at least not one that actually has sufficient CPU horsepower and radio band support to be useful)
Post edited April 04, 2019 by jonwil
low rated
teceem: My point was that any idea, concept or technology can and will be abused. Do you blame your traffic accident on the invention of the wheel? Do you HATE the wheel?
dtgreene: Some are more abused than others.

(Incidentally, one thing that bothered me when HDTVs were first coming out is that they were demonstrating it with sports programs (and I believe (American) football, which is one of the worst ones because of the violence involved).)
I don't know whether to laugh or scream at you!

Listen american football is not violent at all they are all padded up to the nines! you wan't too see violent sport?

try Australian Rugby league

Also stupid friggin old as F*** politicians thinking 25mbps internet is really fast!

moblie games - DO THEY HAVE TO!

Internet explorer or EDGE - Microtwit says it's faster then all other browsers Gee what have they been SNORTING!

Smart "android" TV's - Literally WTF I just want a REGULAR TV with REGULAR SIGNALS

Digital TV Looks and acts WORSE then analog ever did! Yeah analog had a film grain effect that was annoying as F*** but the blocky brigade is WORSE!


Game consoles that need updates - LITERALLY WHY? my SNES and NES and SEGA didn't need them why do consoles now NEED updates???

bloody JAVA for everything - Umm... Why, what are you hiding from me java are you spying on me java?

Social Media everyone that uses social media should be burnt at the stake, It's the DEVILS work.

All social media sites need to be burnt to the ground and the freaks on a leash that wrote and run it, Should burn in hell as far as I'm concerned. Satan's demons they are.
Post edited April 04, 2019 by fr33kSh0w2012
Right, some things have been said.

- Removal of features in general. Whether we're talking about ports (like the headphone jack I mentioned yesterday) or software solutions that are axed in an update. Like, seriously, why? Why the emphasis on design over basic functionality and power features?
- Everything suggested by rightholders. I have learned that they do not put your interests at heart and only put theirs first (but not before making up a guilt-tripping story about S U P P O R T I N G     T H E     A R T I S T). If they see it as something great, take the cue and learn that it isn't. For example: levies, DRM, fees and fines, site blockades, copyright extensions, digital filters, DMCA, etc etc.
- As well, politicians when they talk technology. Rarely do any of them understand computers or the internet, yet think they are qualified to regulate it or to implement systems targeting the public. What this ends up with is more often than not, just more madness than there already was.
- Reliance on internet servers for anything to operate. Not as in DRM-style "authenticate before usage" but rather "you can't use this function without relaying the input to a server and giving you an output." This makes the Internet of Things scene a mess that you can't rely on for the long-term, on top of the costs of setting up one. It's one of these nice applications of networks that are ruined by horrendous implementations.
Post edited April 04, 2019 by PookaMustard
low rated
DadJoke007: One invention that I hate is the chip that's installed in the human body to handle payments, travel, ID and so on. No way any government will abuse that in the future. Worst part is, sheeple will defend the chip in the future with "well, if you got nothing to hide...".
Lol, you joke but some companies in europe/etc are already pushing them for access entry(to jobs), and some use them for social media sh*te.
low rated
jonwil: Things in tech I hate:
1.Wireless keyboards and mice. Its getting harder to find a decent mouse that isn't wireless or some fancy super-expensive gaming thing.

2.Putting connectivity into things that shouldn't have connectivity and smarts, especially for devices where security is important. There is no reason a door lock needs to have any kind of internet connectivity or bluetooth/wireless crap. Digital door locks that use fobs/cards or that use keypads/codes are fine, digital door locks that use Bluetooth or Apps no. Things like lightbuilbs or ovens or fridges don't need smarts like that at all, they should just do what they are designed to do (produce light, make things hot or make things cold as appropriate). I dont like smarts in things like TVs either (it just makes TVs more expensive so it can support "apps" for services that I dont subscribe to and dont need or for things I already do on my PC).

3.Computing products that take control away from the user. Like the new versions of windows that dont let you control when updates are installed (even if you happen to be doing something important and dont want to reboot right now you cant say no to the update). Or smartphones (even Android) that take away your ability to run what you want on the device (I currently use a Nokia N900 Linux phone where I can run whatever I want to, even a new kernel if I want to do that.)

4.Websites and the like that try to force me to give them my mobile phone details (either as a form of authentication via those stupid SMS codes or as a "recovery option").

5.Facebook and the continual push to get an account (so many individuals and companies and stuff put important/useful information ONLY on Facebook and unless you get an account and give all your personal information to the Zuckerberg empire you can't even read the information easily half the time)

6.Companies and entities that use the legal system (and things like DRM) to try and stop people from carrying out unauthorized repairs on the companies devices/products (everything form combine harvesters to clocks can be affected by this) or from making/using/buying/selling "unauthorized" parts (including parts made by 3rd parties to be compatible with the devices/products in question but that don't claim to be genuine parts)

7.Companies and entities that use the legal system to try and stop people from carrying out security research (for example the time the credit card companies used legal threats and other things to stop Mythbusters doing some stuff related to RFID or the various times people presenting at hacker conferences were taken to court to stop them from exposing security flaws in things like Volkswagen cars or Boston public transport smart cards or the various times people found holes in web pages and got sued for it)

8.All the spying on people by corporations, governments and others. (go read the excellent book "Data & Goliath" if you want to know why). This includes anything done by anyone that has the effect (intentional or otherwise) of making things less secure than they would be (such as the FBI demanding back doors in otherwise secure devices or governments and corporations that hoard vulnerabilities so they can be used for spying rather than sharing those vulnerabilities with the manufacturer so they can be more secure)

9.Removing features from devices (in some cases features disappearing from the market completly) because companies have chosen to put design ahead of functionality (its nearly impossible to get a mobile phone with a physical keyboard in 2019, at least not one that actually has sufficient CPU horsepower and radio band support to be useful)
1. Plus with wireless stuff you needs batteries galore or charging devices(and have to wait for charging to finish).

2. It's mostly to collect user data to advertise to people, to disallow using competitors products with devices(like generic coffee pods with some coffee makers and generic ink with some printers), and to possibly(so some say) control your stuff if you "wrongthink" against x company or y belief & cause devices to fail sooner via killswitches.

3. They mainly do that with OSs like Win10 to make sure people have no choice but to install whatever they shovel out without voiding their EULA. Also, with the phones it's again to prevent competition from being on their devices.

4. Data collecting once again.

5. Ditto, for the company to make ad money and also for them/the gov't to keep tabs on people. That's why I am glad I don't subscribe to such. If I ever say something "bad" or piss someone off no one can search through my facebook/twitter/etc to find sh*te to fling back at me.

6. Some companies like apple even got caught making their devices "kill themselves" when such unauthorized parts are installed.

7. They want to prevent such info from spreading to both minimize bad PR and to keep people from using such exploits against them(even for good/fair uses and reasons).
low rated
fr33kSh0w2012: Internet explorer or EDGE - Microtwit says it's faster then all other browsers Gee what have they been SNORTING!


Game consoles that need updates - LITERALLY WHY? my SNES and NES and SEGA didn't need them why do consoles now NEED updates???

Social Media everyone that uses social media should be burnt at the stake, It's the DEVILS work.

All social media sites need to be burnt to the ground and the freaks on a leash that wrote and run it, Should burn in hell as far as I'm concerned. Satan's demons they are.
Edge iusn't as good in some regards as other browsers, but sometimes a certain site or two will run better on it so I use it sometimes.

Public Wifi is good for those without connections(not enough money, banned by isps for torrenting, etc.) to a degree.

Consoles and games need updates because games/systems use MASSIVELY more lines of codes(and are thuis more prone to errors) than older games. They also ship alot of games out too early to save money/meet certain deadlines and that only compounds the problems.

Social media makes drone/easily led masses out of many people, and makes it harder to keep stuff to yourself(like some random comment made years ago affecting you later on in life when found by people with grudges and police in the UK/etc arresting people over comments), but it does lead to juicy gossip/pr0n. :D
I hate Google AMP. They tout it as being mobile friendly, fast, good for slow connections, etc. It is all of these things. It is also another way for Google to control the Internet and other people's content (they require you make the page a certain way and then they serve it from their servers). Plus, they're super shifty/shady about it since they pretty much force you to develop and provide AMP versions of your site it in order to get more exposure and better rankings on their unfortuantly all-but-ubiquitous search engine. (Don't use Google, folks! Use DuckDuckGo or at least StartPage.)

I hate the anti-vaccination movement. I don't hate all the people who are part of it. Some of them are unfortunately just ignorant of the matter due to lack of education. I dislike those who refuse to learn, though. Someone's crazy, unfounded conspiracies and/or lack of education are *not* a good reason to put others' lives in danger. Get vaccinated. Get your kids vaccinated. It's important, and it literally saves lives.

I hate region-locking and the blocking of VPNs. VPNs are a necessity for some. For others it's a convenience. Either way, if someone wants to watch Netflix, they should be able to, VPN or not, no matter where they are. Same for iPlayer. "Oh no! Someone from outside the UK wants to watch our shows! We can't allow that for some stupid, half arbitrary reason! Block them!" It makes no sense and is stupid. Just stop it. We have too many boundaries on this planet already; we don't need more on the Internet. The Internet is supposed to break boundaries.

I hate that Firefox is being treated as second-class, if supported at all, by an increasing number of websites and services.

I hate viral Internet "challenges". Pretty much all of them. Stop doing stupid things. Stop filming yourself or others doing stupid things in order to get views/likes/attention and spread the stupid behavior to others. Just stop.

I don't like the lottery. Numbers, scratch offs, any and all of it. I can't say that I hate it, but I do have strong negative feelings towards it. As they say, it's "a tax on the poor". It's gross and almost predatory in a way. It makes me sick thinking about it, sometimes.

I hate how the anonymity provided by the Internet has brought out the worst in people just because there's little-to-no chance of being caught or retribution. Just because you don't think you'll get caught doesn't mean you should act like a [words I can't say on the forums]. I just don't get how people can be that way, IRL or online. It sickens me to think that some people not only feel no remorse, they even enjoy it. I just don't get it.

I hate what Apple is doing to their laptops. Touchbar? Whatever. Forced Touchbar? Heck no. One of many reasons I just bought my first non-Apple, non-gaming computer in a *long* time.

I hate that every TV is a smart TV these days. I don't want a smart TV. I have external devices that do everything. I just need a TV to plug them into. Yet, a big monitor won't do because A) do they make 60"+ monitors?, and B) I need a coaxial input for my antenna. Why is it impossible to find a good, modern TV that has no smart features?

Wow... this ended up way longer than expected. I'll stop here, for all of our sakes and sanity.
DadJoke007: One invention that I hate is the chip that's installed in the human body to handle payments, travel, ID and so on. No way any government will abuse that in the future. Worst part is, sheeple will defend the chip in the future with "well, if you got nothing to hide...".
GameRager: Lol, you joke but some companies in europe/etc are already pushing them for access entry(to jobs), and some use them for social media sh*te.
Why would I joke about that? That was part of the point, it will creep up on people and become one really slippery slope.

If people are willing to get chipped like cattle/sheep, then they are indeed worthy of the title "sheeple".
Post edited April 05, 2019 by user deleted
low rated
echosa: I hate how the anonymity provided by the Internet has brought out the worst in people just because there's little-to-no chance of being caught or retribution. Just because you don't think you'll get caught doesn't mean you should act like a [words I can't say on the forums]. I just don't get how people can be that way, IRL or online. It sickens me to think that some people not only feel no remorse, they even enjoy it. I just don't get it.
I'm actually in the opposite camp(well maybe centerist camp). I'm all for anonymity/anonymous posting as it allows for more genuine(uncensored/more truthful, if a tad harsh sometimes) dialog and keeps companies/gov'ts from squashing all free speech & dissent online.

Why should it be this way? Because i'd like to say(examples)"susie could stand to lose some weight", "tom is an awful drunk", "x leader sucks and should be out of office", or "y religion is terrible and is cruel to women and other religions" online without fear of losing my job/freedom/life(i'm looking at you, UK/middle east). Yes, unfiltered speech online can lead to bad things like some people having mental issues because of trolls/terrible truths coming to light, but in my opinion i'd rather have this freedom then not when push comes to shove and I DO need it for some reason.

What to do about actual trolls(and not people labelled as such by dumb people and NPCs)? Ignore them/filter them/block them, but don't force people to speak a certain way(through laws/etc) online. The internet(some sites, besides the big ones which are already censor heavy like facebook/twitter/youtube/etc) is the one of the few remaining places that allows true freedom, and it shouldn't be squashed or rendered impotent by control freaks and power mad despots.

GameRager: Lol, you joke but some companies in europe/etc are already pushing them for access entry(to jobs), and some use them for social media sh*te.
DadJoke007: Why would I joke about that? That was part of the point, it will creep up on people and become one really slippery slope.

If people are willing to get shipped like cattle/sheeps, then they are indeed worthy of the title "sheeple".
Your wording made it sound like you were being a bit sarcastic to get the point across, so OI joked in kind. But yeah, soon people will be bearing the "mark of the beast" more and more if things continue as they have been. At first it'll be innocuous stuff like a way to pay for stuff/to do social media stuff, and then it'll be required for "freedom/the children/etc" as time goes on and it becomes the norm.

(Addition: By mark of the beast i'm not trying to sound overtly religious, but you have to admit the whole "mark of the beast" prediction in religious texts seems to be more true every day. Heck we already have it in the form of credit/debit cards, social media tracking people's every action/move, etc)
Post edited April 05, 2019 by GameRager
low rated
Imo many things in society(that humanity has produced) have been a double edged sword:

1. Vaccines/antibiotics: Good because they allow people to become "immune" to some disease strains & save live from infections that would've otherwise been fatal, but bad because they allow for lower mortality rates(and lead to overpopulation/strains on elderly assistance programs).

They're also bad because over time people overuse antibiotics(especially lazy/easily pressured doctors who write scrips for them like candy, even with stuff they won't treat like viral infections), leading to resistant strains of infection.


2. High tech appliances for basic needs(Ex: washing machines, electric tools, heating/cooling tech, etc): These devices make life too easy, and make people more reliant on them instead of their own skill/strength/knowledge(g*d forbid stuff breaks down enmasse via things like a mass EMP attack/gov't breakdown/massive natural disaster...most people wouldn't know how to do basic things they'd need to to survive).


3. Internet: The internet is a great thing as it allows us to look up/share knowledge quickly and easily, but because of it many people rely on it for knowledge instead of their own stored knowledge(ie learning stuff and being able to recall/use it later. I've known people who google the same thing over and over because they can't be arsed to remember it, for example) or books(many don't even own physical books anymore or consider them a novelty).

The net is also instant gratification(entertainment, pr0n, etc) heaven, and dopes us to kingdom come. As a result, people constantly need a new "fix"(games for backlog, new shows/memes/mediaa, etc) to keep that "high" going, and attention spans drop over time as a result.
I know it's pretty much every second post at this point, but social media. I don't mind the idea in theory. I enjoy talking shit with all of my friends over the internet as much as the next guy. In practice though, it's true purpose is to allow your boss, your government and anyone who wants to sell you something to spy on you.

Not to mention, it somehow made the already utterly insufferable celebrity culture 1000x worse. Pre-2008 or so, I wouldn't have thought for a second that was even possible, but we as a society overcame the odds and managed to find a way. Well done us, I suppose.