Posted April 09, 2019
low rated

Smart phones (especially IPhones)
Smart-Anything (especially phones and meters)
Adoption of biometric data and collection
Chip implantation as payment/ID
Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows Vista
DRM, Steam, Denuvo
DRM put into cars, tractors and other devices
Siri, and other listening devices
Internet of things (I don't need my toaster/fridge/whatever connected to the internet)

But corps/gov't wants it so YAY no regulation(or next to none) or testing of health effects(same with wireless devices).
2. Smart phones - They're good for wasting time and getting young'uns to spend their parents money/give them their personal info....most older phones could text/make calls good enough for most people in the past.
3. Smart devices - They're there to collect data to advertise/spy(likely) for big business, just so joe schmoe can turn on/off his lights and order pizza without moving an inch.
4. Biometric data -What? Like DNA sampling? Well, it may be good in helping solve old cases & the like(or identifying remains in massive disasters and accidents where normal forensics isn't good enough(without a DNA marker/fingerprint to reference). Otherwise, it'll likely be used at some point to keep tabs on "dissidents" and "wrongthinkers"(sadly).
5. Implanted chips - GOOD for pets(that get lost)....not so good for people. Plus with the aforementioned phones/etc one can be "chipped" via those devices without going through invasive surgery(which would have to be REPEATED every 3-5 years as upgrades became available and old chips failed.
6. Newer windows OSs - The only bad things about them(imo) are stuff like spying applications(cortana/etc), unskippable(for long) updates which can happen anytime if MS feels like forcing them, and bloated code. I miss old windows(XP/98se/etc) where one could pick/choose updates & do them when one felt like it.
7. DRM - Not viable as a prevention method(for thos who are smart, anyways), a waste of money(for game companies) for a false sense of security on corp IPs, etc.
8. DRM'd devices - It's mainly there to (supposedly) implement controlled obselescence (through killswitches) & keep people from repairing stuff/using generic stuff with a device(generic ink and K-cups for coffee machines, etc).
9. Siri - She WILL harvest your SOUL. 0.o
(Also Alexa will totes raep your pets....:\)
There's nothing to j/k about.....most newer "genders" are made up(to make people feel better about their made-up stuff like dragonkin, fursonas, vampirekin, etc) & many have nonsensical definitions or contradict with other genders.

Anyway, another thing I hate is the loud sounds that motercycles tend to make, to the point where they are quite loud even when inside a nearby building. Why? Why do they have to make so much noise? (How are such vehicles even legal? After all, cars have to be reasonably quiet to be allowed on the roads.)
It's done(supposedly) to make it harder for car/truck drivers to miss them on roads(and pedestrians as well).
Post edited April 09, 2019 by GameRager