dtgreene: Also, it makes me sad that the men on the US Supreme Court are (at least temporarily) denying a trans boy the right to use the boy's bathroom at school.
ChaunceyK: I don't understand why we need gender-based bathrooms in the first place. What are we, animals? We can't be trusted to be in a room with a member of the opposite sex for fear of....what exactly? Robbery? Murder? Rape? Those things happen because of a criminal mind, not because of a bathroom.
Why do such a loud minority (read: ignorant bigots) think people can't just be civilized, go in, and take a squirt or drop a deuce in peace, regardless of their gender and/or orientation?
I'm guessing there would be only stalls, because I can't quite imagine it going down well, a load of blokes lined up at the usual aiming slots in full view as you enter hehe.
Oddly enough, I'm in a miniscule town on edge of a really small city, yet it has closed it's gents toilets & made the women's toilets gender neutral.
Not been any bother at all with them, but then that is probably because a week or so afterwards, they closed that one too.
The nearest public toilets now are something like 2-3 miles away /failol.