Posted January 05, 2017
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Kleetus Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... Unblock chat Registered: Sep 2010
From Australia
I think it moved.
Erikspilivink Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... Unblock chat Registered: Dec 2013
From Sweden
Posted January 05, 2017
Today I found out that Mass Effect 2 is on the house on origin. Quite fancy indeed. Also ate some splendid food today :D
Find me in STEAM OT
TRUMP MUST F U C K I N G HANG Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... Unblock chat Registered: Dec 2012
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chevkoch Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... Unblock chat Registered: Aug 2013
From Clipperton Island
Posted January 06, 2017
Awesome Games Done Quick starts on Sunday. I'm really looking forward to a full week of watching speedruns :)
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Kleetus Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... Unblock chat Registered: Sep 2010
From Australia
Find me in STEAM OT
TRUMP MUST F U C K I N G HANG Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... Unblock chat Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
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Kleetus Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... Unblock chat Registered: Sep 2010
From Australia
Tauto Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... Unblock chat Registered: Jul 2015
From Australia
Posted January 06, 2017
jack and coke plz
Emob78 Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... Unblock chat Registered: Dec 2012
From United States
Posted January 06, 2017
I just survived an hour drive home in the middle of a blinding snow storm. I know you weirdos up north would probably just call it a dusting, but it's an odd sight down south. And when you can't see the lines in the road and the snow is pelting your windshield, it tends to pucker your butthole and turn your knuckles white. But I'm home and alive, and that makes me very happy.
Tauto Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... Unblock chat Registered: Jul 2015
From Australia
Posted January 06, 2017
Emob78: I just survived an hour drive home in the middle of a blinding snow storm. I know you weirdos up north would probably just call it a dusting, but it's an odd sight down south. And when you can't see the lines in the road and the snow is pelting your windshield, it tends to pucker your butthole and turn your knuckles white. But I'm home and alive, and that makes me very happy.
Just reading that little story made me laugh. Hunched over the steering wheel and hanging on with a vice grip and just hoping some idiot doesn't nudge you in the rear end or side swipe you,speeding past.
Post edited January 06, 2017 by Tauto
Positive Patty
HereForTheBeer Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... Unblock chat Registered: Oct 2009
From United States
Posted January 06, 2017
Emob78: I just survived an hour drive home in the middle of a blinding snow storm. I know you weirdos up north would probably just call it a dusting, but it's an odd sight down south. And when you can't see the lines in the road and the snow is pelting your windshield, it tends to pucker your butthole and turn your knuckles white. But I'm home and alive, and that makes me very happy.
There's a 3-word cure for that: Soo
; )
Glad you're safe and sound.
eksasol Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... Unblock chat Registered: Mar 2011
From United States
Posted January 06, 2017
Emob78: I just survived an hour drive home in the middle of a blinding snow storm. I know you weirdos up north would probably just call it a dusting, but it's an odd sight down south. And when you can't see the lines in the road and the snow is pelting your windshield, it tends to pucker your butthole and turn your knuckles white. But I'm home and alive, and that makes me very happy.
I haven't driven in snow for a while since moved to Florida. Usually when it's snowing bad, a double lane road becomes one. White knuckles driving if literal is a bad idea, you have to go with the flow. Swerving will cause fish tailing and losing control. Brake and accelerate with the wheels pointing straight help minimize this. Punching the brake and throttle pedals are also bad. It's kind of counter intuitive to driving on tarmac. When you put too much torque on the wheels and causing them to spin faster you will lose grip, so you need to ease the pedal to get going. For braking, if you punch the brakes, you will lock the wheels then your car will just slide toward the direction of its momentum, release the brake to in order to regain control.
If you're really confident you can use the snow to slow down, as the main driving line can get compacted or icy, but you can block your radiator with snow or drive into a snow bank if not careful.
Rear end hit-and-run accident is very common here where I live, twice a victim myself. I would like to drive one of those truck with front and rear bumpers and spiked nuts on the wheels. I began to realize why people drive those thing, they probably got tired of assholes on the road.
Post edited January 06, 2017 by eksasol
New User
kaylayuhos26 Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... Unblock chat Registered: Dec 2016
From United States
Posted January 06, 2017
i love playing games and this is a great way to talk to people too lol
Positive Patty
HereForTheBeer Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... Unblock chat Registered: Oct 2009
From United States
Posted January 06, 2017
Just got back into Mount and Blade Warband after a 2-year hiatus. Had another of those "Holy crap - what time is it?!?" moments last night when I checked the phone and saw it was creeping up on 1 am.
What a great game. Time sink, to be sure.
What a great game. Time sink, to be sure.
insert title here
ashwald Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... Unblock chat Registered: Jun 2012
From Greece
Posted January 06, 2017
What makes ME games different: Lack of horror, you get to pick your characters' looks gender and skills at the beginning of the game, companions, romances, being rpgs with action elements rather than action/first-person-shooter with rpg elements.