Emob78: Was finally able to get outside and start planting my garden properly after a late freeze. Also planted a dozen trees from the Arbor Day Foundation. Hoping to have enough time to get stuff growing before the heat furnace of summer gets turned on.
Oh damn, I just realize I forgot to water the vegetables I planted last week. Weather was hot and dry today, so I wanted to water the garden in the evening, but I forgot. Too busy playing Dragon Age. Not as bad though as the Korean father who spent three days in a gaming cafe, forgetting all about his toddler, letting him starve to death (I read it on msn.nl today).
Klumpen0815: Being able to afford eating in my favourite fast food restaurant (a vegan one) and enjoying it again, just like every second day atm. :)
Vegan fastfood, I'd like that! In my neighbourhood there's only fries to be had, cheesesoufflé and vegetable croquette. So mostly I opt for a pizza. But the pizza and souffle are only vegetarian, not vegan. Downtown is a falafal bar, but it's no fastfood if you have to travel 15 minutes and back by bike for it.