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I managed to create a Mandelbrot Set in Rust, in turn learning a lot about the language.

See attachment. (Any resemblance to my avatar is not coincidental.)
out.png (49 Kb)
The Bose SoundLink Mini II Bluetooth speaker that I bought yesterday for use with smartphones and tablets is great. I was angry at myself spending 200€ for it, but I really like its small size and great sound quality, and so does my wife. I was certain she would be angry at me too, demanding to know how much it cost and reminding me how we have much more important things to spend money on... but no, she seems very happy I bought it, as she will be using it mostly anyway. She was smiling broadly this morning while listening to it.

Then that 10 years old Dell D610 that broke down over the weekend for me, somehow overheating and the hard drive failing: so I removed the hard drive, opened the laptop up a bit to blow some dust away (there wasn't much, really), and then connected a 128GB USB memory stick to it, in order to use it as the bootable "hard drive" (set in BIOS that the laptop boots from the USB).

To my surprise, it all works fine. I created a Linux Mint 17.3 XFCE (32bit) installation media on another 8GB USB memory sitck with the PenDrive-utility, booted from that installation media, and then installed Linux Mint on that other 128GB stick.

Now I have a Linux Mint laptop running without a HDD, Linux is installed on the USB memory and it boots from it. :) At least now the laptop runs pretty cool too, so I presume the overheating came from the hard drive somehow crapping out, otherwise the system seems to work fine. And now there is one less heat source inside the laptop (that hard drive).

Of course running Linux from a USB 2.0 memory is pretty slow so it takes longer to boot and such, but it is ok, after all I will use that laptop only to run to keep my GOG game collection on an external 2TB USB hard drive up to date.

Also when you boot the laptop, if does give a critical warning about a HDD error (as it can't find one), but that can be bypassed with F1 after which it loads Linux nicely from the USB memory stick.

The only concern I have at this point is whether using USB flash memory as a "hard drive" with constant rewriting (also swap memory etc.) is a good idea in the long run... Don't those things have some kind of limit of how many times you can write data to them? Then again I've never had even my oldest USB stick get broken for me, so maybe that would be a concern only many years from now, even with consntant use?

If in doubt, maybe I will buy some small-ish USB hard drive for that purpose. Hey, maybe even a SSD! I presume they work with external USB cases as well, do they?

Ikarugamesh: I have taken my first driving lesson ever. Driving is quite fun.
LOL! My first driving lesson (eons ago) was a nightmare. I had a pretty ill-tempered teacher who seemed quite edgy and would shout about smallest things, so he made me a bit nervous too, and I did stupid things like driving too fast on a corner (lucky to stay on the road, I should have just braked more), forgetting to push the clutch when changing gears several times, stopping at green lights etc. I was devastated after that first lesson, partly because of the shitty teacher.

I shaped up after that though, later lessons went much better. I just had to pay attention and not to mind his shouting. Really, I felt that guy wasn't suitable for teaching driving (or anything for that matter) due to his temper, considering how edgy he was and how angry he seemed to get for making mistakes in traffic. I recall I saw some young girl who apparently had a lesson with him after me, damn she looked scared! :(
Post edited March 15, 2016 by timppu
Ikarugamesh: I have taken my first driving lesson ever. Driving is quite fun.
It is fun isn't it

I'll be getting my permit soon. Could not get it in my teens due to poor vision.
Ikarugamesh: I have taken my first driving lesson ever. Driving is quite fun.
I would imagine the rest of the good people in Spain would disagree at this time. :P

ps. Get used to these jokes. XD
I was reading this announcement thread, and for the first time in a long while I felt relatively sane. Yay.
plagren: I was reading this announcement thread, and for the first time in a long while I felt relatively sane. Yay.
Most of the time I feel sane but living in a mad world.
It rained pretty much the entire day
I found myself some great artifact recipes in Titan Quest and i am getting pumped up in rare relics and essences! Can't wait for the game with restored multiplayer to appear here! I have some good starting items (blue/epic) to give to other people, too!
Post edited March 17, 2016 by KiNgBrAdLeY7
I just wrote a predictive text generator. Any suggestions for input? (It needs to be something I can easily obtain and put into a text file. Something like a text from Project Gutenberg would be a good example.)
I was just in our new flat (which is actually my old place), almost all renovations are done. Can't believe how beautiful the place has turned out to be, even though it's empty right now I just didn't want to leave. The guy doing the renovations told us that we'll be able to move in on Wednesday. Still can't believe that it's happening. Finally a beautiful and quite large place for my girlfriend and me to live in. Will do for a good couple of years.
Tonight i pray in quiet contemplation to Marishi-Ten, goddess of the warriors... A big scandal concerning a teaching institute broke out, economic-ergo serious, of a big caliber, including even fraudulent official documents related to the state! That institute had been continually promoted and advertised by a very money-hungry and very power-hungry bitch of a lawyer, a woman responsible for more than 50% of ruining my life and wrapping me up with fake charges and constructed evidence! Best thing is that she even openly pushed that damned institute's services in the form of pamphlets during meetings or e-ads in the face of everyone in a certain forum i pounce around lately again and everyone back in time remembers her doing that.

I wish for her to be legally involved in the forged paperwork and i am almost certain she is, knowing her well and all; she didn't even have the slightest of either inhibition or remorse, in order to use constructed evidence against me, to bury me alive and get a promotion for herself too, years ago!

How fitting... People who built their careers upon crushing worms and burying innocent victims alive, finally getting exposed, them and their contractors!
Post edited March 19, 2016 by KiNgBrAdLeY7
Music. Specifically and [url=]this.
F4LL0UT: I was just in our new flat [...] Finally a beautiful and quite large place for my girlfriend and me to live in. Will do for a good couple of years.
low rated
Knowing a certain person here (shit his pants) today:)))))))
Finally, FINALLY, I have decided to join this generation of consoles.
After 4 months of saving up, I purchased a PS4.
And I am one of those old fogies that moaned the Playstation era destroyed the gaming market way back when...