HereForTheBeer: Yesterday, a beautiful 8-hour drive home through fly-over-country, from the St Louis area to home. Sunny day, traffic was light, and the leaves along the way are in various states of changing colors. Oddly, they're a bit farther along down south.
This was after I figured out a much faster way to accomplish the work on a customer's machine. Went from an estimated 7 days down to 2 1/2 days. So yay, home early and home for the weekend. Missed a bunch of weekend time lately (including all of last weekend) so this will feel like a luxury.
Emob78: Your road posts are so depressing they even make me homesick, and I'm already there!
Aww, dang. Not sure what to say. It's a long trip to see this particular customer but it really is a great drive and I don't mind it that much. While certain trips are a real drag, others are a joy. The other part, about missing time at home? Well, comes with the territory. My complaint about being away leaves out the good parts of it:
- get to see other parts of the country, particularly the Midwest that I love.
- not stuck in the same office / work space every day, which would make me nuts.
- the wife doesn't get tired of me being home all the time. That's half-joking and half-serious
- get to meet a lot of people, and see a lot of different factories.
- being away gives more me game time than I would otherwise have, since there's only so much biz stuff I can accomplish after-hours at the hotel. ; )
Though I do miss the dogs, and would like to be able to take the wife with me on certain trips. We've started thinking about having her quit her day job and become part-owner, which certainly comes with pros and cons.