tinyE: Relax Franny.
Little Franny Poo.
dtgreene: To be honest, I don't like being called that either.
Anyway, that snow user who I replied to was being obnoxious ignoring my request, so I had to downrep him. (That's the sort of situation where it makes sense to use the "-" button.)
+1 for Snowkatt to negate the derep (though looking at the symbols, it ain't really needed)
dtgreene: Can you come up with a recent example (say, within the last 7 days) of what you are complaining about?
Also, I would prefer if you wouldn't call me a "dude".
zeogold: I give up, man. You ignored my entire freakin' post just to ask me for a "recent example" and to get offended over my blatantly informal manner of speech which everybody knows I use all over this forum? You want a recent example, the post I responded to was a recent example. If you don't get the message by now, I can only assume you're trolling on purpose.
Didn't I tell ya, at this point anyone with half a working brain would have realized just how annoying they are... or are just purposely trolling.
Anyways, back on topic. The community is actually quite fine as it is, hardly any change necessary (aside from GoG finally taking steps against scammers, even if it's merely involving games from their own store, as they surely have no way of verifying things related to Steam, Humble, and the small fry).
And people complaining are probably either too young or still new to the interwebs, and before complaining should visit some really shitty communities (4chan, Tumblr, Steam Forums), so they can really grasp how much of a nice place we got here (not perfect, but what really is).
Only real flaw would be the sometimes quite buggy forums (but that has more to do with the site in general than the community)