PetrusOctavianus: People obsessed wth gender.
Navagon: If this was the 'things that absolutely bore the shit out of you' thread I'd be seconding this.
Yet u respond here.
In case you enjoy wage and career benefits that your homologues do not - on statistical analyses that plausibly are available to you - pity that you should cocoon in your entitlement, as opposed to care how the world might be more fair.
Did you game away with your sister? Maybe not, maybe you did not have one - okei, but a cousin surely. ;-)
And in case u might have a daughter, ever, you will be bored the shit out of that and all that, still, in case she will face the statistical patterns? ;-)
Your female gaming friends are neutral about rolling a male hero, any time, always, as opposed to having an adapted gaming immersion?
All of the above is a bit tied to the gender - and I dare say as much relevant. Your boredom is likely a case of intellectual dishonesty.