drewpants: People who think that there should be some form of legal legislation that supports their personal taste, so things like laws relating to second hand smoke, censorship (swearing for fucks sake), violence in videogames/films/comics and so on.
It all of these cases the evidence of these things being harmful is at best divisive, so it really dumps in my ice cream when people call for laws that curtail civil liberties based on 'Well I don't like it.'
Also, within this - people who don't understand the difference between their opinions being a right and being valuable. I would fight to allow anyone to be allowed to express their opinion, but they have to accept that just because you express an opinion, it doesn't mean that the views expressed are informed or valuable.
Also, people who write overly long responses to simple questions when they should be working...
I have an issue with your stance on secondhand smoke. It is, in fact, known to be harmful, and besides, it smells bad.
I could, in fact, list it as a personal hate.