Honestly, it's the community. Yeah, we have our occasional issues and our fair share of crazies, but really, this is the one social media I've ever joined and probably ever will join.
I've learned a lot of valuable lessons from this place. Plenty of laughs for sure, but also some things just by knowing about peoples' lives and viewpoints. I mean, where else can I start a thread only to have it taken over by Germans, or derail a post into a drawn-out discussion of cereal? There's all sorts of people from a bunch of different countries and all walks of life here, each with their own story to tell. It's probably even more special for me than most since it reminds me of days when I was younger and I used to hear the wildest tales from family members that I simply don't have anymore (long story on that one). In so many ways, this is kinda the last refuge of the internet where I can have that experience. Not to mention whip some of 'em at a couple multiplayer games.
And then there's the generosity. Never have I encountered anyplace where everybody's willing to just buy stuff for you just because they think you're an alright guy or whatever. Then I encountered this site, where it's practically some sorta fever that gets into you. Now I find myself doing the same thing for people not even on this forum, just sending them something because eh, what the heck? Might as well improve their day a bit. I'm not sure I was really like that before I came here.
Even if this place were to close down, there's still loads of people here I'd probably keep in contact with. Heck, that actually happened with a couple threads that I know of, people made some good friends on this place. That really goes to show how magical it really can be.
So yeah, maybe we're not the best. We get in arguments, we pick on each other, we have a few weirdos, a handful of escapees from the local insane asylum, some criminals, and that one shady-looking punk over in the corner who keeps offering people a box of Tic-Tacs and a glass of stale water and swears he had the meaning of life written down in his other coat next to his grandpa's pancake recipe, but hey, isn't every family like that?
TL;DR: So, who here likes pollywogs?