- NPC+player sprites are badly done: 1) when friend first introduced me to fallout (it was fallout 1) I was turned down mostly by how people look in Fallout. 2) after I got hooked to Fallout, many many years later my ... children claimed the same to me when they saw the game first time. 3)
reversing the sprites back to 3d, may show the idea. 4) additional effect may be attributed to absence of
vertical move direction and hence weird movement in F. 5) fairly good comparison of better sprite quality is imho - Jagged Alliance 2. 6) sprite style in F is iconic (consistent), I don't question this. Some titles do push "iconic" quality to extent that style wins over quality, for example Space Quest 6.
- you level up by killing mostly
- looting is limited to player
- player has god-like overview of local map, where NPCs have little vision of detecting player
- NPCs are triggered on whole map and are instantly aware of what is actually happening
- way excessive sex* stuff
- way too much political connection with real countries
- way too much americanism, involvement of other countries is almost non-existent
- text messages are good, but very scarce
- raiders are useless bullet sponges having little agenda
- monster size and weapon specifics do not affect chance to hit
- monster difficulty is predominantly expressed in its hit damage * action points, instead of interaction with environment or its special abilities
- actually pretty limited dialog options
- unrealistic tribal-like society rebuild
- too much ammunition, too little factories
- force gates in NCR (F2), but nobody can make electric motor and cars
- low game replayability
- outdoor problem (Tauto is author, agreeing): on encounter, you will always find yourself in the middle of action if your outdoor skill is low; and that skill is always low at beginning, so you will always find yourself either dying, reloading or A-key-tactically-cheating out of the area. Better way would probably be to throw a chance, then if succeeded throw roll as of distance to action, based on the skill with some corrections also taking perception of enemy.
- many locations are quest-locked, even though you would bump into them when traveling in reality
- bad weapon range causes AG stat to become life-saver, but it shouldn't be
- weapon skills should've been structured as a tree-like specialization instead of separate skills
- first-aid and doctor skills are duplicates
- science finds rare application and conflicts with doctor skill sometimes
- steal skill and trap skill are useless
- skill point progression is unrealistic - going 0->100 skill is equal to going 0->33 in three skills
- most of traits are useless, because they give back no/very little benefit
- most perks are useless or unbalanced in benefits between each other
- iconic Dogmeat is very weak, has no armor options and is a big nuisance
- dog followers can carry almost as much weight as human one
- "LUCK" stat, why is it there at all? Why isn't it a derivative stat, similar to Sequence
- karma is often subjectively applied: F2 new reno 3 gangs are evil, 1 gang is good, even though its members and crimelord trigger against you as easily as other 3
- karma balance is unrealistic: stabbing someone to death, but helping another person next day results in neutral karma! Good karma is very cheap, evil is rare and evil actions have low weight
- (derivation of above) its hard to be evil. Lots of monsters rare really evil rewards
- game BOSSes showcase themselves very clearly and their agenda is very paved out (binary, has little facets)
- you become more skilled by reading books, but not through practice. That leads to "becoming genius scientist through slaying geckos" logic.
- ....
All Fallouts:
- everything about ghoul nature - I can't understand how simple radiation can produce beings that are capable to survive 200+ years (technically, to decompose 200+ years while attracting flies), with no food and drink,with random nature of going feral
- then again, main character can't become ghoul and always dies of radiation poisoning.
- stimpacks are source of unlimited hp points with little effects that are nowhere produced and everywhere abundant
- ... and npcs use them very scarcely and don't pile them up
- all medications/drugs have no best-before