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Cool, here's the next one, also from the 70s
Is it a film documenting the perverseness of the British government? Who would have know Andy Burnham was into that felching business.
Matewis: Cool, here's the next one, also from the 70s
more clues please!
Not meaning to start a war but, you guys have some terrible taste in films man, lol. Good taste in videogames, but damn. Black and white 40's films? Random 70's films with some dude?

You couldn't pick Dark City or somethin? -.-
Ah crap so sorry, I completely forgot about this! I knew it was quite obscure and had intended to put up extra clues early on. The film has an incredibly well known actor, so I'm trying to find a screengrab not showing his face. That's him in the pic with the mouse. Here's another scene from a tense moment in the film, where the protagonist meets up with the antagonists(policemen). I'll post another clue a little later today

bad_fur_day1: Not meaning to start a war but, you guys have some terrible taste in films man, lol. Good taste in videogames, but damn. Black and white 40's films? Random 70's films with some dude?

You couldn't pick Dark City or somethin? -.-
The problem with this thread, and the What-is-this-game thread, is that it's incredibly difficult to put up a good pic that somebody could reasonably recognize, but, that google image search doesn't recognize. Each time I want to post a pic I first check that google image search doesn't give it away. Even this pic I just put up was a third attempt due to google's image search recognizing the other two.
Post edited September 25, 2015 by Matewis
bad_fur_day1: Not meaning to start a war but, you guys have some terrible taste in films man, lol. Good taste in videogames, but damn. Black and white 40's films? Random 70's films with some dude?

You couldn't pick Dark City or somethin? -.-
You do realize that any random 15-year-old could say the same about your videogame tastes and how you like the kind of games GOG sells, right? ("Really? System Shock? The *first* Fallout?" and such)
muntdefems: You do realize that any random 15-year-old could say the same about your videogame tastes and how you like the kind of games GOG sells, right? ("Really? System Shock? The *first* Fallout?" and such)
You speak the truth.

But also just because something is old doesn't mean it's better than Dark City. When I'm too old to know that then I'll truly be old.

Something creative and exciting is all I'm talking about here really, not some dusty old men talking about something. How bout some spaceships or shootouts or hot dancing girls or somethin. :D
bad_fur_day1: Something creative and exciting is all I'm talking about here really, not some dusty old men talking about something. How bout some spaceships or shootouts or hot dancing girls or somethin. :D
Soon as I have my next go you'll have your wish :D Though to be honest, "dusty old men talking about something" can make for great movies. Just look at Tinker, Tailor, Soldier Spy. It fits your description to a T, and still is one of the most tense, engrossing movies I have ever seen.
bad_fur_day1: Not meaning to start a war but, you guys have some terrible taste in films man, lol. Good taste in videogames, but damn. Black and white 40's films? Random 70's films with some dude?

You couldn't pick Dark City or somethin? -.-
So you think every black and white 40s film is terrible? the 70s is probably the decade of the most best movies ever... It is you who has no taste, obviously. Dark City is good, 1950 though, so it avoids your criteria of terrible.
drealmer7: So you think every black and white 40s film is terrible? the 70s is probably the decade of the most best movies ever... It is you who has no taste, obviously. Dark City is good, 1950 though, so it avoids your criteria of terrible.
Didn't they just hold up photographs one after the other in 1940? First you had to catch the steam train though or take a horse and cart.

There's this super new director called Stanley Kubrick, he does all this new fangled stuff with film, maybe you've heard of him. He like, died of old age 20 years ago or something.

:face plam: That isn't the Dark City I was talking about. It's the actually good one.
Post edited September 25, 2015 by bad_fur_day1
bad_fur_day1: Didn't they just hold up photographs one after the other in 1940? First you had to catch the steam train though or take a horse and cart.

There's this super new director called Stanley Kubrick, he does all this new fangled stuff with film, maybe you've heard of him. He like, died of old age 20 years ago or something.

:face plam: That isn't the Dark City I was talking about. It's the actually exciting one.
I knew the Dark City you were talking about. So you've seen this other one and know it is not exciting? Or are you closemindedly pre-judging?

Kubrick is by far and away the best director ever, IMO.
Post edited September 25, 2015 by drealmer7
drealmer7: I knew the Dark City you were talking about. So you've seen this other one and know it is not exciting? Or are you closemindedly pre-judging?

Kubrick is by far and away the best director ever, IMO.
Except for eyes wide shut if you ask me. I just don't get that film :-\ It seems that Kubrick either loved or hated it, depending on who you want to believe.
drealmer7: Kubrick is by far and away the best director ever, IMO.
"Eyes Wide Shut" is a waste of time
"2001: A Space Odyssey" was awfully pretentious imho
"The Shining" was cool but mostly thanks to Jackie
I personally hate "Clockwork Orange"
but I absolutely love "Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb".

One of the most overrated directors by far imho and only one really good movie for me.
Uhm oki, clue about the film: the premise revolves around a good cop trying to survive around corrupt cops.
Matewis: Uhm oki, clue about the film: the premise revolves around a good cop trying to survive around corrupt cops.