Antimateria: "no more windows allowed" diggity memory is failing, full speed you fat thing who moves the ship-wheel.. Only rescue is to drink as much salty warer as we can and see if the sea is more dry. Or install some mac OSX.. "so I drank till me lungs were full of some kind of merman and with babies. It was disgusting and rightly so..
Where was I going? Oh yes, back, back to to the future.. also with flames. *man has lost it all*
Edit: salty snacks? Gladly.
Fever_Discordia: Qui?
I just have no idea.
Well, if I would hear even that word in some tape I would be sure what it is. My official statement is it is why.
unofficial is: what is he talking about mermaids flying in the moon with sharpened pencils.
Hrmh.. I take the 3. answer.
Edit2: I'm going to.. aww forget about it. But watch where you put your straw. I'm few minutes away, I'm going to smoke and take a beating, then the fun stops and rutine begins..