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It's set in the American South...
Specifically Louisiana.
I know what it is, but won't tell. :o

Hint: the game's title doesn't contain the letter 'A'.
Austrobogulator: Specifically Louisiana.
Austrobogulator: Specifically Louisiana.
kalirion: NORCO?

Your turn.
I simply searched on steam for "Louisiana" and took a likely suspect :)

All right, next one!
New screenshot:
I think I've seen this game before, but I can't remember anything about it
No redaction in the new shot
ball_toss.jpg (255 Kb)
I thought it was the recently released Bucket Knight (because of the little green goblin). But I checked the screenshots. Nah.
Anyone who's been keeping up with indie metroidvanias should be able to figure out the game from the last screenshot I provided.

Edit: This game came out 3 months ago, and has already been in a bundle, probably upsetting some early buyers much less kickstarter investors.
Post edited July 21, 2023 by kalirion
Still got no idea, but I don't play many metroidvanias either.
Let me just bump this topic so it gets more attention.
Well, since screenshots aren't enough, here's a video of my failing hard at the final boss.
If everything given so far isn't enough for you guys to find the game, you're just being lazy :)
kalirion: If everything given so far isn't enough for you guys to find the game, you're just being lazy :)
Depends. I'm against Google searching for something I don't know, unless i'm certain I've seen the game before.
I think most of players here have some kind of *moral code*. But I think that eventually someone else will know the answer.