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PaterAlf: Balls of Steel?
Damn, you're good!

Your turn.
Next one (which might be a little obscure):
PaterAlf: Next one (which might be a little obscure):
I see what you did there... :D
Attack of the Care Bears
PaterAlf: Next one (which might be a little obscure):
muntdefems: I see what you did there... :D
Thanks for the hint.

Blip & Blop: Balls of Steel
Densetsu: Blip & Blop: Balls of Steel
This looks like its the correct answer. Jump to around 5:20 to see:
muntdefems: I see what you did there... :D
Densetsu: Thanks for the hint.

Blip & Blop: Balls of Steel
Sorry, I didn't see the answer.

Yes, you are correct. It's Blip & Blop: Balls of Steel (which is quite a fun freeware game).
Densetsu: Blip & Blop: Balls of Steel
MobiusArcher: This looks like its the correct answer. Jump to around 5:20 to see:
Thanks for pointing that out.

Densetsu: Thanks for the hint.

Blip & Blop: Balls of Steel
PaterAlf: Sorry, I didn't see the answer.

Yes, you are correct. It's Blip & Blop: Balls of Steel (which is quite a fun freeware game).
No problem, I thought you get notification if you're included in quote. Clearly you don't, my bad.

Here's the next:
Densetsu: No problem, I thought you get notification if you're included in quote. Clearly you don't, my bad.

Here's the next:
The Horde? I remember seeing this advertised years ago on tv. It looked kind of fun back then, but turned out to be a huge letdown when I tried it a few years ago. I seem to recall that the interface was particularly horid. Oh yes, and it had that crocoduck weirdo in the intro :P
Densetsu: No problem, I thought you get notification if you're included in quote. Clearly you don't, my bad.

Here's the next:
Matewis: The Horde? I remember seeing this advertised years ago on tv. It looked kind of fun back then, but turned out to be a huge letdown when I tried it a few years ago. I seem to recall that the interface was particularly horid. Oh yes, and it had that crocoduck weirdo in the intro :P
You're right, well spotted.

I'm sorry to hear it didn't work out for you. To me those intermission videos and the gameplay are hilarious, but in a good way.
Matewis: The Horde? I remember seeing this advertised years ago on tv. It looked kind of fun back then, but turned out to be a huge letdown when I tried it a few years ago. I seem to recall that the interface was particularly horid. Oh yes, and it had that crocoduck weirdo in the intro :P
Densetsu: You're right, well spotted.

I'm sorry to hear it didn't work out for you. To me those intermission videos and the gameplay are hilarious, but in a good way.
Yeah, I enjoyed the game a lot too! But I can see why it can be a bad experience for some people, the game has its flaws ;)
Densetsu: You're right, well spotted.

I'm sorry to hear it didn't work out for you. To me those intermission videos and the gameplay are hilarious, but in a good way.
And very sneaky choosing beast&bumpkins as title - the two games have a very similar look and at first I thought you forgot to rename the file :)

Here's the next one:
Post edited June 06, 2018 by Matewis
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl
Dr_Adder: S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl
Not stalker no