Zimerius: the breasts in cnc where pretty cozy all in all but a true romance?? in rts settings?? the only thing that comes up that mildy resembles a romance would be the choice between mysterious beautiful and straight breasted in Rise of Legends
Matewis: Well, come to think of it, there's a little bit of lovey-dovey-ish dialogue in Warcraft 3 between Tyrande Whisperwind and Malfurion Stormrage, which might qualify. Perhaps that's what I'm thinking of.
I actually tried Rise of Legends this year, and was unfortunately sorely disappointed. I think I probably would've liked it a lot more in its heyday.
it was a bit of a rusher that one ;) I remember having a friend over who actually got pretty involved, giving advice and such... you still have untis alive there! watch out, attacking here... it was one of the later levels and my start army was of such a size, with dragons and all that right from start it was one big clickfest with attacking here and there while trying to guide the whole resource and building thing. I asked him if he liked to give it a try but he actually passed with the question " are all matches going like that? well yea i suppose , then no but thanks "
the cutest rts must be the tooned edition of starcraft .... or that world conquering game with different flowers ,,, what was it again?