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PookaMustard: Or ask for a damned censor.
Breja: That is why you fail.
Yes, because I asked for a 'on or off button' for sexual content? Curse choices! Follow the herd or die. That is why my rep is going down, eh? Because I'm not following the 'no censorship' herd, huh? And I'm instead following the 'optional censorship' herd. Way to go to have the rep going down because of such a lame outcry.
tort1234: My concern is NOT what happens to other people's kids.
My concern is making sure there is no censorship here on gog.

Just because you cant keep kids away from computer does not mean we all have to deal with censorship.
Oh my, am I supposed to follow your outcry over no censorship. Even though I did say many times that I want a SFW filter, meaning flick on, or flick off. But guess what, I don't care about your concern to making sure there is no censorship. My concern is to make a filter possible.

Just because you have to deal with censorship doesn't mean I can't complain about the front page being littered with non-family friendly content, because guess what, I'm not going to deal with the kids and workaround that just because of non-family friendly content on a site I used to browse comfortably.
Post edited October 11, 2015 by PookaMustard
Yeah, I'm bored.
Me too. I even posted a giveaway and didn't get any entry in return to alleviate my boredom. Damn.

EDIT: My initial post about how kids don't need anything to view GOG's site is low rated and the other post about parenting is up-rated. Somehow, now I have to do PARENTAL CONTROL on GOG, eh? And somehow, I'm down rated for saying the truth.

As has been said for ages though, the truth hurts. I understand.
Post edited October 11, 2015 by PookaMustard
markrichardb: Won’t someone think of the children?!

i'm trying to find 11 ways to kill a 14 year old aristocrat...
Breja: That is why you fail.
PookaMustard: snip
tort1234: snip
PookaMustard: Oh my, am I supposed to follow your outcry over no censorship. Even though I did say many times that I want a SFW filter, meaning flick on, or flick off. But guess what, I don't care about your concern to making sure there is no censorship. My concern is to make a filter possible.

Just because you have to deal with censorship doesn't mean I can't complain about the front page being littered with non-family friendly content, because guess what, I'm not going to deal with the kids and workaround that just because of non-family friendly content on a site I used to browse comfortably.
Aw...but there won't be any censorship here on gog because majority of people don't want any.
And if you are too lazy to workaround and deal with kids and make sure they don't watch nudity anywhere that's your choice.

Too bad for you. You can moan and whine and complain but that is not changing anything. :(

have a nice day.
tort1234: snip
You can whine and moan about censorship on GOG, but I guess its staying because you're not even able enough to push a convincing case eh? After all, you want extra tits in your game, and you're breaking havoc for that. Good luck convincing anyone THAT matters. Have a nice day.

No, its not me being lazy to workaround the kids. Its me expecting GOG to be family friendly as they always were, at least on the front page. So if Microsoft puts porn in Windows 10, I'm supposed to suddenly shut off Windows 10 and do nothing? Okay. Have fun with that logic.

Post edited October 11, 2015 by PookaMustard
tort1234: snip
PookaMustard: You can whine and moan about censorship on GOG, but I guess its staying because you're not even able enough to push a convincing case eh? After all, you want extra tits in your game, and you're breaking havoc for that. Good luck convincing anyone THAT matters. Have a nice day.

No, its not me being lazy to workaround the kids. Its me expecting GOG to be family friendly as they always were, at least on the front page. So if Microsoft puts porn in Windows 10, I'm supposed to suddenly shut off Windows 10 and do nothing? Okay. Have fun with that logic.

For fuck's sake, it's a single picture that's not showing anything more explicit than what you could see on daytime tv, in commercials, in music videos, or on a damn beach. I sure hope someone censors beaches for you, so you can go there with a kid.

Yes, let's have GOG invest time and resources in protecting kids from that devilish picture that is not going to be there in a couple of days anyway. God knows, there is nothing more important to be done on this site.

By the gods you've picked a lame reason for your moral outrage.
Post edited October 11, 2015 by Breja
Breja: For fuck's sake, it's a single picture that's not showing anything more explicit than what you could see on daytime tv, in commercials, in music videos, or on a damn beach. I sure hope someone censors beaches for you, so you can go there with a kid.

Yes, let's have GOG invest time and resources in protecting kids from that devilish picture that is not going to be there in a couple of days anyway. God knows, there is nothing more important to be done on this site.

By the gods you've picked a lame reason for your moral outrage.
Yeah yeah yeah, let's take it at face value because that's the best you could ever do.

Soon they might as well make it more comfortable to put even more sexualized images. And they'd keep doing that up until...

And no, I don't care about music videos, daytime TV, commercials, or beaches. They do not exist in this argument. What exists are the following: either a house and a family, or a workplace with employees and employers. Being not treated harshly by either is a lame reason for my arguments? Woah. Go figure why it isn't. And hey, isn't GOG all about choices? They should damn well invest in optional censors, after all, they're choices. Can you say 'no' to choices now?

Anyways, I'm off to bed. Go chop more people who are concerned about the front page. I'm no longer available for this thread, as I have made and exhausted my points. Whether 'people' do not give a damn about the family or the workplace is no concern of mine.
Post edited October 11, 2015 by PookaMustard
I bet there is some more websites with boobies : )
Do you keep posting on all of them or only here?
PookaMustard: Soon they might as well make it more comfortable to put even more sexualized images. And they'd keep doing that up until...

And no, I don't care about music videos, daytime TV, commercials, or beaches. They do not exist in this argument.
So the things that actually do exist, don't exist for the purpose of this argument, but things that may or may not come to be in the future do. That's some ass-backwards logic right there.
i don't mind it at all. Conservatives freaking out about a little boob are incredibly hilarious. I laugh at them, constantly. Many people laugh at them, constantly. So yea, whine, bitch complain. Ill just laugh, buy the games they hate and laugh some more as they get more and more pissed. Eventually they'll just get tired of it all and leave the rest of us alone.
We got the boob, now we just need the floppy dick. Then we'll be smooth sailin'.

Where is the equality, GOG?
PookaMustard: snip
I find it funny that an Australian is whining about this stuff.

I have seen Australian media and their tv shows. It is over-saturated with half naked females, nudity and decadence.

Plus this

World record for largest gathering of females wearing nothing but a shoelace around their breasts and another shoelace around their bottom and exposing more than 90% of their skin.

So much for culture or conservative family values.
Post edited October 12, 2015 by sasuke12
PookaMustard: snip
sasuke12: I find it funny that an Australian is whining about this stuff.

I have seen Australian media and their tv shows. It is over-saturated with half naked females, nudity and decadence.

Plus this

World record for largest gathering of females wearing nothing but a shoelace around their breasts and another shoelace around their bottom and exposing more than 90% of their skin.

So much for culture or conservative family values.
Canada isn't much better. With the way the Blue Jays are playing this post season I've gotten to see nine guys get butt fucked on national TV.........TWICE!
PookaMustard: snip
sasuke12: I find it funny that an Australian is whining about this stuff.

I have seen Australian media and their tv shows. It is over-saturated with half naked females, nudity and decadence.

Plus this

World record for largest gathering of females wearing nothing but a shoelace around their breasts and another shoelace around their bottom and exposing more than 90% of their skin.

So much for culture or conservative family values.
The boobs of one woman is a tragedy, the boobs of millions is a statistic.