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MichaelFurlong: As someone who's trying to get my sister and niece into playing some gog games together, having pronography plastered over the front page REALLY does not help in creating an environment that I want to share with friends and family.

I hope this is a one-off. If people want to play sex games, that's fine, but I don't want my 8 year old niece to see this on her first day on GOG.
I have no problem with sexually provocative stuff on gog front page.
If you don't want your 8 year old niece to see this then turn off the bloody computer instead of blaming gog.

Why are you "trying" to get your sister and niece into playing gog games ?
There is no point in putting all that effort if those females are not into video games.

Regardless, most girls in their teens are going to dress up like sluts anyway to get attention from boys. Maybe your niece will be one of them when she grows up.
Arinielle: They shouldn't need to, though. The age in the agreement is there for that reason. You should either explain to her what not to go near and why, or don't let her here at all. You'll be damn lucky if you don't get reported for this shit. I understand not having another place to be and get games but you have a responsibility and you aren't doing it. You're wanting everyone else on the internet to babysit for you.
Again as I have said, the age in the agreement ONLY APPLIES TO ACCOUNTS. Any visitor though can visit GOG even if they were literally one second old. Secondly though, I'm not telling the internet to babysit for me. All I'm asking is a filter to filter this content off the start page. After all, I'm not going to kick out my siblings and then close the door myself every time I want to browse GOG, correct?

Also, why the hell is my rep going up and down too frequently? Are they so unhappy with my radical opinions? Oh nevermind. People like to be picky. At this rate I'll never achieve the 50 rep requirement in some giveaways because people dislike my opinions. Damn.
tort1234: I have no problem with sexually provocative stuff on gog front page.
If you don't want your 8 year old niece to see this then turn off the bloody computer instead of blaming gog.

Why are you "trying" to get your sister and niece into playing gog games ?
There is no point in putting all that effort if those females are not into video games.

Regardless, most girls in their teens are going to dress up like sluts anyway to get attention from boys. Maybe your niece will be one of them when she grows up.
Yay! Let's tell our consumer not to use the service as part of a guardian + child relationship! Let's tell our consumer to not view GOG in public eyes. Let's tell our consumer not to open GOG with his family, after all, do you think any better than that? Of course there is the option of demanding a SFW filter. This way, content that may offense people can get hidden, and would allow guardian + child combos to freely browse GOG and pick a title or two as their legal rights.

But hey, how can I argue with a time traveler who just went into the future just to know his niece will dress like a slut? He's an all knowing entity, better steer away.

"She will get corrupt later, so why not corrupt her from now?"
Post edited October 11, 2015 by PookaMustard
<i>"Let's tell our consumer to not view GOG in public eyes."</i>
not siding with the spammer, but... and many well-known pornograhic websites are banned by the singapoorian government's MDA, and blocked by all local ISPs, unless they also sell a VPN service but whatever.

hopefully they won't block GOG because of censored huniepops or any lesbian alien sex they might find on the website.
Okay after tort's post I'd like to do a 180 on my position. :D
MichaelFurlong: I would also be uncomfortable with front-pages showing kill shots of the more gruesome games out there.
What is it? Sniper Elite 2 where you have internal kill shots to show how you screwed up their insides/bones? And then goes with Mortal Kombat 9 X 10. (Course MK has always had interesting fatalities).

MichaelFurlong: Trine or defender's quest may contain violent themes but it's abstracted
Most games the violence is abstracted. If we think about good old games like the free ones, Tyrian, Raptor, StarGunner, you are destroying hundreds of ships in very little time, and then you think 'what if someone was piloting that ship?' At what point do you realize how much of the games are thinly veiled murder machines.

Course abstracting it out is nothing new, quite often it was limitations of the hardware where you couldn't even have blood or enough colors to properly do everything.

PookaMustard: I'm a brother, not a parent.
You might consider showing her then the joys of 8bit gaming, specifically the Atari/Apple/Amiga lineup. Jumpman, Joust, Pacman, etc. I remember many hours carefree as a kid playing those. Although you'll likely need to use an emulator.
Post edited October 11, 2015 by rtcvb32
PookaMustard: I'm a brother, not a parent.
rtcvb32: You might consider showing her then the joys of 8bit gaming, specifically the Atari/Apple/Amiga lineup. Jumpman, Joust, Pacman, etc. I remember many hours carefree as a kid playing those. Although you'll likely need to use an emulator.
And I also showed her this stuff, namely Nintendo and SEGA. Though I'll never show her anything Apple related, for apple-tasting reasons. Plus with GOG, she doesn't need her own account to play whatever games I've got there right? That's the point.
dick1982: <i>"Let's tell our consumer to not view GOG in public eyes."</i>
not siding with the spammer, but... and many well-known pornograhic websites are banned by the singapoorian government's MDA, and blocked by all local ISPs, unless they also sell a VPN service but whatever.

hopefully they won't block GOG because of censored huniepops or any lesbian alien sex they might find on the website.
If Steam isn't blocked, GOG won't be.
Arinielle: snip
PookaMustard: snip
tort1234: snip
PookaMustard: Yay! Let's tell our consumer not to use the service as part of a guardian + child relationship! Let's tell our consumer to not view GOG in public eyes. Let's tell our consumer not to open GOG with his family, after all, do you think any better than that? Of course there is the option of demanding a SFW filter. This way, content that may offense people can get hidden, and would allow guardian + child combos to freely browse GOG and pick a title or two as their legal rights.

But hey, how can I argue with a time traveler who just went into the future just to know his niece will dress like a slut? He's an all knowing entity, better steer away.

"She will get corrupt later, so why not corrupt her from now?"

Why are you equating sluts with corruption ?

If you take away laws, religion, morality, rules then people expose who they really are- animals driven by thirst, hunger and lust.

Humans are naturally corrupt, that is why throughout history we had religion, laws, rules, morality to keep human nature in check.

IF you take away religion, morality and laws- what you get are people being corrupt. That is human nature.

Did I say that someone's niece will become a slut ? I made an assumption given the way things are going on in this world. I did not make a prediction that it will happen.

Read my post 8347 in the link below-
Post edited October 11, 2015 by tort1234
tort1234: Why are you equating sluts with corruption ?
Ever heard of metaphors?
Humans are naturally corrupt, that is why throughout history we had religion, laws, rules, morality to keep human nature in check.
And his concern over his niece is also to keep her in check and to keep her from turning like into a slut. I'm betting he doesn't want his niece to end like that.
Did I say that someone's niece will become a slut ? I made an assumption given the way things are going on in this world. I did not make a prediction that it will happen.
This assumption is you predicting that maybe she will dress like a slut. But you're using this assumption in order to justify her guardian to let her see these images with no problem.
tort1234: Why are you equating sluts with corruption ?
PookaMustard: Ever heard of metaphors?

Humans are naturally corrupt, that is why throughout history we had religion, laws, rules, morality to keep human nature in check.
PookaMustard: And his concern over his niece is also to keep her in check and to keep her from turning like into a slut. I'm betting he doesn't want his niece to end like that.

Did I say that someone's niece will become a slut ? I made an assumption given the way things are going on in this world. I did not make a prediction that it will happen.
PookaMustard: This assumption is you predicting that maybe she will dress like a slut. But you're using this assumption in order to justify her guardian to let her see these images with no problem.
That is his "niece" not "daughter".

He has no control over someone else daughter. If niece goes to high school experiences freedom, gets a boyfriend/s or goes to college then she can become a slut. There is nothing you can do about it.

That is not your concern.

I gave a common sense solution. Don't want your kids looking at these images- then TURN OFF THE BLOODY COMPUTER INSTEAD OF BLAMING OTHERS.
low rated
tort1234: That is not your concern.

He has no control over someone else daughter. If niece goes to high school experiences freedom, gets a boyfriend/s or goes to college then she can become a slut. There is nothing you can do about it.
So that is not MY concern, but its YOUR concern? Hmm. Nice.

I gave a common sense solution. Don't want your kids looking at these images- then TURN OFF THE BLOODY COMPUTER INSTEAD OF BLAMING OTHERS.
Or ask for a damned censor. This makes more common sense than turning off the computer and looking suspicious in the process.
Post edited October 11, 2015 by PookaMustard
PookaMustard: Or ask for a damned censor.
That is why you fail.
Post edited October 11, 2015 by Breja

He has no control over someone else daughter. If niece goes to high school experiences freedom, gets a boyfriend/s or goes to college then she can become a slut. There is nothing you can do about it.
PookaMustard: So that is not MY concern, but its YOUR concern? Hmm. Nice.

I gave a common sense solution. Don't want your kids looking at these images- then TURN OFF THE BLOODY COMPUTER INSTEAD OF BLAMING OTHERS.
PookaMustard: Or ask for a damned censor. This makes more common sense than turning off the computer and looking suspicious in the process.
My concern is NOT what happens to other people's kids.
My concern is making sure there is no censorship here on gog.

Just because you cant keep kids away from computer does not mean we all have to deal with censorship.
Won’t someone think of the children?!

Every time this complaint pops up, I wonder how the panic-stricken morally outraged amongst us can pop onto forums to express their disappointment that gaming is considered a lesser medium, and not realize they’re doing circles like a one-legged Roadrunner. There’s nothing in the promotional images/videos that wouldn't be out of place on daytime TV. There’s nothing in the games themselves that wasn't already available on the store. What you call the fall of civilization, I call progress.
I have a child's casket on display my living room, and I consider it very much thinking of the children.

If any dead children show up I will have the means to see to their needs at once, and this is because I care.