RWarehall: When someone intentionally misconstrues and misinforms, they are virtue signaling. There were not 3 transphobic tweets at all. One of them never addresses the issue in any way at all, yet they mislead claiming its a trend. Unless you want to explain to me simply how a video clip from the game Postal 2 pissing on "Games Journalism" is transphobic? I think any rational person sees the sense in what I have to say even if you somehow don't...
I don't see how you believe it's rational that you think you are capable of reading someone's mind. You can't possible know that they are intentionally misconstruing the content of the tweet. That is impossible for you to know, unless they said that, which they didn't. You can think their reaction is irrational. I agree, it's not a rational decision on their part to come to the conclusion that they did, but you are really missing my point here.
My point isn't that they are justified in their actions, my point is that calling them virtue signallers is stupid if you don't know what their motivations actually are. You can't gleen that from their public posts. You can have your opinion about whether or not it's right, but you can't project motivations on another entity when you don't know what they are. It's dumb term, that is overused by people who don't have legitimate complaints. It's the right wing equivalent of someone on the left calling a person a fascist. It's lazy and doesn't actually help the discussion in any way.