PixelBoy: We can only hope that they have returned to the old one world pricing
if that would be the case then I will have no reason to buy games on gog. If I can get the same for half price from steam I'm not paying double price for DRM free game.
kohlrak: I wonder, if one uses a VPN or something, or if they get a discount for these issues, will gog make people pay the proper price or face removal, hush hush it, or delete your account, or what...?
what VPN has to do with my question? I'm not using it
Aemenyn: Might just be the region detection. It's been a bit spotty for a while.
Try going to checkout and see if that fixes it.
nope, unfortunately. just tried it with game I already purchased (it was $1.80 and now it is $6.00) and it still shows new price