Posted August 13, 2015
Naïvely, you would think they're playing good old games or drink vodka like it's water but no, in fact, they're preparing for World War 3 so think twice before complaining again about the website or game releases as some day, you could well wake up in the middle of the night with some Polish pointing his Kalachnikov at you and another one putting his knife under your throat (that explains Judas's avatar, you sneaky bastard ^o^....).
Joke aside, this morning, Vice uploaded a small documentary about the paramilitary activties in Poland which are the total opposite of the demilitarizing trend (and de-weaponizing too) in Western Europe. Nothing extravagant to notice but it's nice to see another aspect of Poland:
Pretty women by the way..... ;)
Joke aside, this morning, Vice uploaded a small documentary about the paramilitary activties in Poland which are the total opposite of the demilitarizing trend (and de-weaponizing too) in Western Europe. Nothing extravagant to notice but it's nice to see another aspect of Poland:
Pretty women by the way..... ;)