JakobFel: Haha yeah, more tactical RPGs are definitely best for adults, no doubt.
Darvond: It isn't even that Exile was so hard, per se. But more that without the nice things that later games would bring, it'd be so easy to get lost or lose track of the major questline's event flags.
Yeah, that's true, QoL improvements can sometimes make or break sequels.
rojimboo: I was really bad at platformers as a kid and even later on. I had Super Mario and Sonic plus some others (Alex the Kidd i think) and just didn't have the dexterity and nimbleness. Maybe due to restrictive parents not allowing me to practice daily (how dare they!).
To my surprise, I have developed great skills in this department after many years of doing crap all. I was playing Never Alone with my nephew, and had to often help him out. Managed to do some tricky stuff and enjoyed the game a lot.
Haha nice, it's interesting how you gained that skill by helping someone else!
SpaceMadness: It's more accurate to say I enjoy some games in spite of being terrible at them. Over time I may have improved, but I wouldn't go as far as say I'm good.
Street Fighter series
Street Fighter 2 was what got me into video games , particularly the fighting genre. I started with pressing buttons, once I got a better feel of the basics, moved on to special moves. It was wasn't until adulthood did I actually tried learning fighting game fundamentals. Execution is something I always struggled with though, which prevents me from doing combos and techniques that other players can do.
Vandal Hearts
It was my first tactical RPG. It was mainly the first two chapters where I had most difficulty. I fared better on my second second playthrough and suffered fewer losses. The difference was now I had better understanding of terrain and discovered how to view the enemies' movement range to minimize damage the chances of getting hit.
That's the way I am with games like Gwent, I'm not very good at it but I've come to enjoy it after learning how it works. Repetition definitely helps in developing those skills!
ShadowWulfe: Thief.
When I was much younger I tried it when it came out. Just could not adapt to the style.
I tried it again when I was older and still could not get it.
A few years ago, I really figured out the mechanics and could not put the series down. I even tried the "awful" Th4ef sequel which was actually quite good with certain difficulty settings.
Thief is now one of my favorites and I always come back to it. The modding scene is great. Glad age provided perspective on it.
I absolutely loved the first Thief game as a kid, though I was never good at it and I was too scared to get very far in the story haha. I agree on the Thief reboot, I actually really enjoyed it. The hate for that game usually boils down to people being disappointed that you didn't have rope arrows and whatnot, which is rather petty, if you ask me lol