Maighstir: I decided to finally play through
Half-Life 2. The latest point I remember from earlier is getting the buggy and driving off on the beach. This time I got to Nova Prospekt, messed up after fighting a few super-ant-lions (ant lion mothers?), and had to load the previous save - where I was still on the buggy. My last save now is just after the lighthouse.
I cheated though, to get godmode and ammo, because fuckit, I can't be bothered to learn precision-twitching to hit the pixel that's shooting at me before they manage to kill me, and those gunships are annoying (also the super-ant-lions). Eat laser-guided rockets while I'm out in the open so I can see where the f you are.
GameRager: Don't you have the ant lion bait/gland yet? It makes you immune to most ant lions I think, and you should have it at some point via the story.
Or is that the sequel chapters? I forget.
Also to avoid ant lions stick near the thumpers/turrets, and stay off the floor/ground(on the beach/etc).
Not quite yet. First I have to get through this beach where they pop up by handfuls for each step you take on the sand, feels like a variation of Dune, and then fight one of those supers (using three or four rockets, as much or more than the gunships), after which an alien will harvest a gland and tell me how to use it.
GameRager: Or is that the sequel chapters? I forget.
TheMonkofDestiny: The Vortigaunts give Freeman the pheropod in the Sandtraps chapter, the one just before Nova Prospekt.
It doesn't prevent attacks from Antlion Guards (the big ones that the pheropods are harvested from) though.
Oh, antlion guards, so that's what they're called. I noticed that Nova Prospekt is laid out in such a way that I never have access to my antlion troup whenever I need to fight a guard.