Ghorpm: Malfurion decision was actually a right one so I don't see any reason to stop thinking about him as a good guy. Turande clearly made a bad call but as I said before - with good intent. So I still think about her as a good person. For example Maiev blatantly lied to Malfurion about Tyrande fate to trick him which is why I cannot call her a good person (among other reasons).
So yeah, I definitely consider Malfurion as a good person and while Tyrande is a bit more tricky (she killed Illidan guardians after all) I still think she is pretty good but also quite naive.
I'm not really being serious by the way :) Still, unless Illidan drowned 200 puppies, 10000 years seems a bit excessive. Then again, the moral landscape is surely different when it comes to imprisoning immortal beings. So who knows.
I suppose that incredibly difficult level to wake up Malfurion for the first time might've coloured my opinion of him :P Seriously, on hard I think that level gave me the most trouble....