GaminggUy45: I've been meaning to give that game a try any good?
F1ach: Yes, its quite good, but what annoyed me was that for some of the combat, I had to go to outside sources, like youtube, to see how to do stuff, especially in combat, as the tutorial is a bit vague (or i'm pretty thick) on the more intricate aspects when fighting, but, when you know what to do, it's quite simple....Maybe I was overthinking the mechanics...
The game starts you off with a couple of minor quests to get you started, in te Prologue, then the story opens up properly.
The city is kinda like a tall column of levels, each level will contain a number of areas for main and side quests.
Access to new areas is governed by coloured "hexes", so, instead of normal RPG protocol of blocking access to higher level areas with very strong mobs, here a quest giver will (usually) give you a couple of new coloured hexes, which will be replinished with drops from enemies.
There is nothing to "explore" like in Oblivion/Gothic etc. Dungeons consist of rooms with tactically placed enemies, when you clear a room, you move onto another until eventually encountering a "boss", after this the story is moved along by cutscenes.
You also collect material from drops and chests, to create/upgrade your equipment. This can be done by yourself, via a Customise Menu, augmented by a couple of NPC's that can make specific items, like gunsights, magazines, grips etc.
In combat you will use pistols, SMG's, grenades etc. Combat will start with your characters entering a room, turn based combat gives you time to assess the enemy placement, then you select your characters and instruct them in what manouvers you wish them to carry out. You will send out a line, your character will travel along this line and engage enemies as they progress, sometimes there will be an obstacle in the way, like a large metal screen, which your character can jump over and while in the air, shoot at enemies below. Sometimes enemies will become airborne, you can jump up and continue your attack in the air, causing them to slam down into the ground, causing more damage.
There are two types of damage, one which essentially wears down opponents "armour", and the other is direct damage, so it can be tactical in the sense that you send the first character through to wear down opponents armour, changing targets on the fly, you stop at the end of the "line" mentioned above, that characters "turn" has then ended, allowing the enemy to attack for their "round", then you can send your other characters through to do direct damage to the enemies thhad "armour" removed.
Sounds long and drawn out, when written down like that, but its pretty fast paced, a simple explanation aim your character at the enemies, they move through those enemies, attacking the ones you choose, in real time.
There is another tactic, where you can have all your characters attack together, which can seem very intricate/confusing, but when explained properly, boils down to two button presses to set up, then just shooting with your controller button, eitheer auto-targetting, or switching targets on the fly.
It looks quite spectacular, with your characters doing their acrobatic gun ballet, or drop kicking grenades at enemies, with very original monster design.
If you like jrpgs, I would say try it, its combat came second in some poll for best combat in a RPG (I forget where) and the story is the usual emo JRPG stuff, but I would suggest the lack of exploration, would put some people off.
Sounds different i'm going to give it a try thank you for the info.