Van Helsing II: The Helsening
Pretty good, not fantastic. Could maybe use a touch of optimization since there have been a couple instances where it had my laptop fans screaming, even with detail turned down to Medium. This is on a 1070 in a roomy chassis. Only game so far where this has happened, as I recall.
The voice acting for the main characters is good. The side characters, eh, well, you can click through once you've read the subtitles.
Loot progression feels slower than the first game, though you're given more opportunities to obtain loot. This doesn't seem like a problem since you can upgrade your equipment with inserts ("essences").
A little irritated from last night: went to a merchant, and grabbed a healing potion from his trade window and dragged it to Katarina's inventory. Turns out I bought a stack of 1,000(!) of them. That about wiped out my money so I dragged them back to the merchant window. Cheap ass merchant only gave me the wholesale price in return, even though I was in the same trading session. Lost something like 80k-100k on that "deal". Lesson learned, but I hope they changed this behavior in later versions.
Been bug-free, so there's that going for it. And it's certainly a good-looking game.