dtgreene: Started playing Ultima 3 (Amiga version). A few thoughts:
Some specific reason for choosing the Amiga version?
Team Fortress 2: yesterday I saw someone using a cheat I don't recall seeing before. An enemy was playing a heavy weapons guy, and he seemed practically invisible. He didn't seem to mostly fight back (playing "friendly" as they are called, not fighting back), so he advanced crouching in front of our team's ammo room door.
It was kind of a funny sight, everyone shooting at him at the same time (I was playing a soldier, shooting rockets at him), and he just wouldn't die even though he seemed to be taking damage. THEN finally some sniper got a headshot on him, and he went down, so it didn't seem he was completely invisible, but very hard to kill anyway. EDIT: I am also wondering whether a spy could have backstabbed him successfully? (a successful backstab by a spy is supposed to give a guaranteed one hit kill, unless it is a sniper using protection against backstabs, or maybe if a medic is using uber-protection on someone, not sure about this...)
He explained it is some cheat using a known glitch in the game. Damn, can't Valve just fix such glitches?
Usually the cheats I see are aimbots, ie. snipers and spies getting clear headshots all the time, even to moving and jumping targets from across the map. Also sometimes (but rarely) some pyro appears to using the airblast cheat where he can always deflect a rocket back at you, even if it is a fast Direct Hit rocket which is supposed to be very hard to deflect especially at close ranges.
And yeah, some spy players seem awfully quick (being able to switch between backstabs and sentry sapping back and forth like within in millisecond, repeatedly), leaning me to believe those guys are also using some kind of script that saps and backstabs for them.
And what is with some of those soldiers which are able to repeatedly make insane rocket jumps (like several within a second), going across the map with them (also doing wall-rocket jumps and such)? Is that some kind of script too? I have hard time understanding how they could do those manually because the timing seems so precise and the rocket jumps so overly perfect, giving them maximum push towards (not just up).
Damn cheaters... time to time I see some getting VAC banned, but even when TF2 receives an update, it doesn't seem to take long before the cheat programs have been updated and cheaters are back again with new accounts. Fortunately they are quite often also user-voted out of games, as long as the team detects one of their own is cheating (not necessarily so easy as you don't usually keep looking how others in your team are playing, you mostly notice how enemies are playing).