mistermumbles: While I like the whole idea of bullets as money, I thought it was going to work a bit differently as I remember reading along the lines of "you can buy stuff with it and/or shoot things with it" making it a juggling act. In reality, it might as well be paper money. Was that in the original and got changed for Redux or am I having the wrong impression here?
Kind of, not sure if it's something more needed in higher difficulties but it wasn't really necessary in the normal.
The better ammo can be used as currency or in the weapons (does more damage) but i never felt the need to use those bullets, only in the end because i had too many and nothing else to buy.
Also, the voice acting for the kids - well, the only two voice actors they used for all of them basically - is a bit off. Especially with the boy it comes across as quite (and probably unintentionally) creepy sounding. It's obvious that an adult is trying to sound like a kid, and it really doesn't seem to work. Kind of funny though.
Yeah, me and a friend laughed hard with the voices of the kids, they changed it from the original (it was way much better). Perhaps they couldn't use the same voices due to contracts but i don't know why they didn't find better actors...