Posted April 23, 2015
Played Diablo 3 Trial Version - Runs really good on my system (very surprised), game really sucks compared to D2. (IMO)
D3 seemed like it was polished to a high sheen but with no depth or soul at all. Ran two characters through (melee + caster?) and then promptly deleted it without a second thought. I'm not trying to be mean since I have no stake in the game either way, but I'm honestly not sure I'd play the whole game through if it were F2P given a pretty steep backlog of better games I already have, plus the array of f2p games out there. Free D3 or Nox? I'd take Nox - despite its flaws, it's at least got something to it beyond production values.
Anyway, in terms of what I'm playing this week, I've been juggling PS:Torment and Tetrobot&Co, but I think I'm going to swap out T&C for Blocks that Matter. I was playing that on my work computer [to clarify, it's a laptop I own, just one i use when travelling for work] before breaking the screen, and I actually liked it quite a bit more than its successor.
Post edited April 23, 2015 by bler144