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jimnorth: Splitting my time between two games at the moment.

Game number one is Sleeping Dogs, which is fun if a bit buggy at points. Thankfully the bugs tend to stay in the Slightly Strange and Somewhat Amusing range, only occasionally straying into Kind Of Annoying. One of them managed to be all three at the same time as I was buying some clothes and a guy suddenly came walking in from the side, staring intently at his cellphone as he ran straight into Wei and slowly pushed him completely off the screen. :))
In all of the hours I've played it, I've encountered two major bugs in Sleeping Dogs, one in the intro mission (at the fish market) that can make you fail and one near the very end. Both can worked around though, the first...well I can't remember how (keep running I think) and a quick key rebind fixes the second. Great great game, I'm hovering around 95% completion (just a guesstimate) and still playing it regularly (sometimes just to listen to the soundtrack haha) and considering another full playthrough in the near future.
NoNewTaleToTell: Both can worked around though, the first...well I can't remember how (keep running I think)
Eyup, that's one of the Kind Of Annoying ones, and yup, that's how you fix it! The guy you're running along behind stops at a window about 3/4ths of the way through, but if you keep on running he'll suddenly teleport ahead of you right at the very end. Took me until the third try to decide just to ditch him and figured that out. :))

I'm only about halfway through it at the moment, but hopefully I'll remember there's a need for key rebinding if I run into the other bug. Thanks for the heads up!
NoNewTaleToTell: Both can worked around though, the first...well I can't remember how (keep running I think)
jimnorth: Eyup, that's one of the Kind Of Annoying ones, and yup, that's how you fix it! The guy you're running along behind stops at a window about 3/4ths of the way through, but if you keep on running he'll suddenly teleport ahead of you right at the very end. Took me until the third try to decide just to ditch him and figured that out. :))

I'm only about halfway through it at the moment, but hopefully I'll remember there's a need for key rebinding if I run into the other bug. Thanks for the heads up!
No problem, to keep it spoiler free I'll just say that it involves a key not working (either one of the QTE keys or the space bar) which causes you to fall and fail. You'll know it when you find it, and you can rebind the key almost immediately afterwards. Oh, if you weren't aware, there is a free Sleeping Dogs HD Texture Pack that you can download through Steam.
NoNewTaleToTell: Oh, if you weren't aware, there is a free Sleeping Dogs HD Texture Pack that you can download through Steam.
Ah, I was not aware of that! Thank you once again.
Delver. I had the Orb and was on my way up when the game decided " know what the player doesn't need? Anything that might give some health, but I bet he really needs shields of every color and kind. So let's be nice and make the next ten loot drops shields. Yes that will be much more helpful than health potions or food".
Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines. I'm almost finished with the game, all but three or four side quests are finished, and there are only three or four quests left in the main quest. So in about an hour, hour and a half I'll be finished. I've maxed out Obfuscate and Demention which means I can not only turn invisible at will but I can also control groups, making every encounter (so far) a walk in the park. I still have over fifty experience points left over and no need to spend them, that's a satisfying feeling. However there is one specific boss fight coming up that I am NOT looking forward to, even if I use all my experience points in combat skill trees. Some clans are well equipped for head on encounters, Malkaivans are not one.
Got my hands full with Wasteland 2 and Fallout New Vegas (I'm a little late to that party). I'm hoping I don't get apocalypse'd out with all this zombie-end of world-nuclear Armageddon stuff.
Just finished M&M VII for the very first time. Now I'm considering what game to play next. Perhaps a horror game because it gets dark earlier.
Post edited October 12, 2014 by viperfdl
Yendorian Tales III. I finished it long time ago, but that was with cheats so doesn't count. Currently around half-way through the game. Recommended for MM III-V fans.
After finishing Legend of Grimrock, I have now started Heretic Kingdoms: The Inquisition. Notice a pattern here? That's right! Legend of Grimrock 2 will be released this week, while the first part of Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms will be released the next month. At any rate, I have to say that the game looks good. I just love those isometric games.
Post edited October 13, 2014 by Grargar
I'm having trouble committing to a new game, for some reason. I started The Last Door, played the first episode, and really liked it*; I really need to play the second episode soon, or it will end up in the "started it but petered out" list with so many other games that I liked and never got anywhere with. Maybe I'll try to do that tonight.

* I'm pretty sure that when this first game was released, I commended on how unimpressive I thought the visuals were. And you know what? I stand by that; stronger graphics would improve the game. But I enjoyed it in spite of that.

edit: There we go episode two. A good episode, with a hell of an ending. I did feel like they lost track of a plot thread. Where's the nun whose possessions are sitting by the ocean? Well ... kneeling in prayer in her bedroom, apparently. Unless that was supposed to be a different nun? How could you tell? Much a I'm loving this game, the graphics are not growing on me.

edit: Three out of four episodes finished. The third episode had atmosphere and certainly wasn't bad, but I'd call it weaker than the other two. Its narrative focus--walking around looking for a mysterious man for no very clear reason--is too weak compared to the clearly motivated investigation of the first two chapters.

edit: And, done.
Post edited October 18, 2014 by BadDecissions
I just played some Journey of a Roach for the first time. I didn't have any expectations going into it but it's actually rather fun in several different ways though it's not something I'm going to sit and play through in one sitting. From what I understand it's a bit short but it seems like the kind of game that is better if it's shorter.

I'm off to play some Skyrim until I figure out what game I really want to sink some time into tonight.
Arcania: Gothic IV Demo. I had tried playing this demo on my old laptop but it wouldn't even start, but it works on my new one for whatever reason. I only spent about ten minutes in it and my overall impression could be decent but it could also be awful. The combat system isn't Gothic-like at all, it's more of a generic hack n' slash but it's not bad. No idea what the story is obviously but Diego's appearance makes no sense considering where he ends up at the end of Gothic 3. I may pick this up one day but that day is not today.
Just finished Realms of the Haunting. Couldn't say that the game was very horrifying.
But maybe I've just nerves of steel...
Post edited October 14, 2014 by viperfdl
The game known of divine patience, a.k.a. "Wait patiently, resisting with all your might, your innate urge to break everything around you, until the removed game, Blade of Darkness, reappears back to your GoG Library digital shelf"...