Posted June 25, 2014
Emob78: I think the pay money option for the furnishings must be bugged. I paid my steward at Lakeview to furnish my kitchen and nothing showed up... ended up having to build all the stuff myself with the housing materials.
toxicTom: Did you travel and wait a little while. I've heard rumours about bugs and such, but when I ordered the furniture and went adventuring about a week later everything was there. Note that I used the unofficial patches from NexusMods. Emob78: I've heard that some players (thieves mainly) just loot and sell their gear before their weight limit hits. That must take forever running around to merchants and selling stuff all the time. Better to have a stash somewhere.
toxicTom: Well after a while I gave up on taking everthing. You wouldn't gather every clutter in real life, would you? At first I took only items with a weight/value ratio of 1:20, later 1:100. I currently have more than 100,000 septims and nothing to spend it on. But I agree it's rather painful to get the first 5000 needed for Breezehome, since you come across a few unique items (i.e. the stuff if you become Thane) that you might want to keep as memorabilia.
NoNewTaleToTell: Just an FYI: if you pay your steward to furnish your Hearthfire homes it can take a while in-game for the furnishings to appear but it will be furnished eventually. I think it takes something like one month in-game time. Once I paid my steward to furnish my home (Lakeview Manor I think) and I went and did the entire Dawnguard questline and when I got back only half of the house had been furnished.
toxicTom: I think it takes about a week. But you have to leave the house or nothing happens. And in my case everything was furnished (I ordered everything in one go) - may the unofficial patch at work here?