With these GOG deals going on, I don't want to be in a position wherein I cannot see the sales, so I'm avoiding STALKER. I'd just get too engrossed. But FTL defaults to a windowed mode, so I have been playing it while watching the sale. Putting to use some advice I read in the FTL forums, I'm doing quite a bit better. I've had a few close calls, but so far I've pulled through them. I am in Sector 5 and doing reasonably well. Of course, I'm under no delusions; I am well aware things can take a dive at any moment. Thankfully, though, I've had a lucky streak in this game. Of the two Mantis ships I've had to fight so far, only one had a teleporter (those things were responsible for my failures in my previous two games) and I was able to contain them with my blast doors while opening other doors to deprive them of oxygen (it worked, too, with only a little damage done to my systems). The other three times I was boarded, I basically split my four crew members up into two squads (one squad of two humans, one squad of a human and a Mantis). They took turns attacking and getting healed. Sadly, I lost my Mantis, though it was, ironically, to oxygen deprivation rather than the enemy forces (I had removed power from my oxygen to power my med bay, and one of my rooms was out of oxygen). I am now close to Sector 6; hopefully my luck will hold up.